
Why do people prefer manual transmissions on fast cars?

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Why do people prefer manual transmissions on fast cars?




  1. More Control over each gear. But that is now become irrelvant due to dual cutch system like the DCT DSG SMG Superfast Gear Box and Skyline Tranny

  2. If you're racing (in a fast car, or a slow car...), you have much less control over the gears. (obviously.) If you're in say, Second gear, hanging on 5000 RPM, and are going around a corner (you're not really going to speed up much, but may slow down..), when you let off the throttle a bit so you're not going to fast for the corner, an automatic gearbox would then change to Third or Fourth gear. This takes precious time out of acceleration, because when you hit the throttle again, an automatic car would then have to take the time to change down two gear again, which is time you could be speeding up in a manual car.

  3. More control over the larger amounts of power, which is good. They're easier to work on should something go wrong, because with manual transmissions, there's a LOT less electronic parts that require diagnostic equipment and special tools to fix (in short: less can go wrong with a MT).

    Another reason, at least for me, would be that it's great to have something to throw around when you're using a lead foot, because just pressing the pedal and taking off fast isn't all that fun when you have little to no control over HOW it happens. I even select the MT option in racing video games because it's just more FUN for me that way.

  4. its sounds beeter and it lloks better and u got control over whent o change gears witha auto u dont

  5. Faster acceleration, tougher, more efficient in terms of getting power to the road. Also, they're a lot more fun.

  6. Because they're faster with manual transmissions....

  7. >>  Why do people prefer manual transmissions on fast cars?

    FAST car....  Manual makes it faster (and more control).

    Why is this a secret?

    Good luck...

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