
Why do people protect that what scares them?

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Is it for lack of understanding or out of strict fear of consequences?




  1. In the case of battered women, the answer is simple, "better the devil you know that the one you don't".

    While well meaning people have set up shelters and safety nets for these women, most of them are available for 30 days, and that isn't enough.  There are no child care facilities, attached to these shelters, so you cannot go to work, and therefore lose your job, you have no transportation, and no place to go with your children after your 30 days is up.  Meanwhile, you have lost your job, so you have no resources.  Couple this with a now very angry man, because you sent him to jail, with all the attendant costs, whom you have to go home to,  and reporting abuse is not an option for many women.

    Protecting him, the abuser, is just a cost of protecting the family.

  2. LOL - nice question - this can be taken in several different ways on several different levels - however - the root cause answer to all the ways and levels is the same - ignorance

    Such a  lack of education, either formal, informal or from practical experience, is why people do this. If they had the education then the ability to change is present. Once you see this you make the change and the fear is gone.

    The battered wife learns of different ways to get out of the situation - takes matters into her own hands and the situation changes. People fear the government but learn the law - the situation changes.

    Its all the same. Once educated and the truth be known, you can no longer go back to being ignorant - you can live in denial for awhile if you want, but that wont last long because you know its a choice at that point - and no one chooses to remain in fearful or painful situations if they have a way out...Maslof wouldnt allow it.

  3. Just living in misery  with "Fear is the key"

    Took for granted they were getting run out of town.

    When it were just trying to solve the misery of living human kind for the good of mankind in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men.

    Luke 9.55-56

    Could not overcome " Fear is the key"

    Luke 8.25

    Prefer living in misery getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God in climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life even in the 21st century.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Even if they be the "Last of the Mohican" without being aware of the mess of their own creation in own backyards.

    What do you think?

  4. I'm sorry but I feel people reject that which scares them

  5. Cite some instances.

    I can suggest some protect Grizzly Bears out of a sense of not allowing extinction of any wildlife.  Sense of a higher calling, so to speak.

    I try to protect the right to vote for government officials, though many of those up for election scare me greatly due to professed or hidden agenda plans.  But I believe that it is our system of government and I agree with the original philosophy.

    Is this perhaps what you are referring to?

  6. Is this protect "who" scares them or "what" scares them?

    If it is "who" then it is likely a low self esteem that keeps them there.

  7. Sounds like the classic "Battered Woman Syndrome"

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