
Why do people pull out in front of me to drive 10 mph below the speed limit?

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Why do people pull out in front of me to drive 10 mph below the speed limit?




  1. It's all an unfortunate part of driving. No matter where you are in this country, there will always be someone in front of you who:

    Rides his brakes

    Leaves his signal on

    Reads while driving

    Stops to hold a "conference" in the middle of the road

    Doesn't use his signal

    Sees a rummage sale

    Pulls suddenly out in front of you, only to go a block & turn

    Has kids jumping on their seats

    Is dragging his muffler

    Is losing parts of his car or parts of his overloaded truck

    Throws garbage out his window that lands on yours

    Talks with both hands in the air

    Sees imaginary potholes

    Sees imaginary friends

    Signals left, then goes right

    Drops his lit cigarette in his lap

    Spills his hot coffee in his lap

    Has no idea where he is

    Cuts you off, then pops YOU the bird

    Takes up two lanes

    Is "three sheets in the wind" (drunk)

    Is having an argument with someone in their car

    Is having an argument on their phone

    Is in La-La Land

    Puts on their mascara in their rear-view mirror

    Has a bee in their car

    Is having health problems....

      and a host of other situations. It's what's called "defensive driving", and all part of the driving experience. Yes, we have to do their driving as well as ours. It's unfortunate, but it's what you've gotta do in order to deal with driving. The best thing you or anyone else can do is to make sure you're not on the list above, thus becoming "one of THOSE people". While we can take steps to make sure we're not doing most of those things, there is a such a thing as providence...the things you DON'T have control of (such as a bee flying into your window, or suddenly throwing up...yuck!). I guess we'll just have to try to be a little more patient with the rest of the crowd. <*)))><

  2. So they can pass me, and then decide they want to turn left.

  3. That is one of my biggest peeves.  Why can't they just wait for you to pass?  I get that all the time too.  Another is why don't people use their turn signals when turning or changing lanes?

  4. So I can clean the carbon out of my Big Block.?????

    Thats what I do. Then slow them down to 35MPH, and floor it

    SEE YA LATER PRIUS ! ! ! ! !  ! ! ! ! !LOL

  5. 90% of all drivers seem to be inconsiderate, self centered morons. The "Rules Of the Road" that truck driver's used to live by are a thing of the past.

  6. They are probably talking on a cell phone.  or eating. or putting on makeup. or shaving.

  7. because they know you hate so they lie in wait till they see you then pull out, this is wrong since they know you should be the only one on the road, then again it could be something as simple as you leaving to much distance to the car in front of you which provides them the opportunity

  8. Yep, I hate that too.

    Especially when they had waited until the very last second to pull out on you, that's always fun.

  9. Yeah i hate that c**p too and they always do it when there is no one behind you for like a hundred miles, like they couldn't wait 2.5 seconds for you to go by so they could get behind you instead! LOL

  10. Yeah, I hate it when they do that.  They're just lousy drivers.  They don't look before they pull out and then it's all they can do to keep the car on the road at a slow speed.

  11. it happens to all of us and the majority of the ones who do cut others off at 10 miles under are the old people. it is kind of like GOD holds enough trust in us to look out for them. so get used to it.

  12. The speed limit is NOT a target to be reached.

  13. THEY JUST DO...........................

  14. Becasue they didn't see you .. most are the elderly that do this and more accidents occur when this happens.   Sad part is, it is recorded that some nasty accidents end in death due to cutting out in front of semis or larger delievery trucks.

    I'm like everyone else, I dont't like it, but we must watch other drives as well as ourselves.

  15. Because they are idiots.

  16. lol.  I don't know, but they do it to me too!  I wouldn't even mind if they drove the speed limit.  I don't expect anyone to speed, since I drive like an old lady myself, but at least go the speed limit, you freakin *******!!!!

  17. Because the cops made us stop shooting 'em.

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