
Why do people purchase horses and they know absolutely nothing about them?

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john n - because you don't have to be careful how to feed, exercise, vet care, ck teeth, trim hooves, & shoe a house, car or boat.




  1. because they have money to p**p out their bum-bum.

  2. People do the same with cars, computers, houses, and boats. why would horses be any different?

  3. cause they have way tooooo much money.

  4. they have money that they use to show of with and one of the most common thing that the rich own is horses so people think that if they own a horse the will be considered a  rich and high class and every one will be jelous of them , even if the rarely go out to see their horse, it makes me mad when people doe this and nevr come to see their horse!

  5. Maybe they are hungry.

  6. For the same reason that people get a dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, or any other pet without knowing anything about them... "because they're cute!!" or "because it'll be fun to have a pet around the house."  People don't do the slightest bit of research into the responsibilities of owning a pet before they buy one.  Whenever you watch the AKC dog shows on tv, they always tell you about the breeds and which ones are family dogs, which ones like other dogs, which ones are playful, etc... and they say to make sure that you get a breed that you fit with, not just one that's cute.  But people don't listen.  They buy the pet thinking it'll be great to have one, then they get it home and then people get mad because the cute little puppy poops all over the house or chews on shoes or something.  Then we end up with dogs that no one wants because the original owners were morons and didn't train the dog properly.  Horse ownership is even worse in a way... people can drop off their horse at the stable and they expect it to be a happy well behaved animal whenever they come to see it... they don't realize that horses need exercise and personal attention every day.  So to answer your question, it's because people are stupid.

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