
Why do people put LIME in WATER?

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Why do people put LIME in WATER?




  1. remove hangover.

  2. Some people say it's for decoration. Other people say that it's to give the water a different flavour. To give it a hint of lime. =D Hope this helps.

  3. 2 have a little flavor........but it taste nasty 2 me

  4. It is good for digestion, also excellent for stomach upset with a pinch of salt and sugar (accord to taste) have chilled with ice and few leaves of mint.

    It is quick solution for dehydration.It also cut to some extend body fat and calories if had early morning empty stomach with warm water.    

    It is good refreshing drink if taken after outdoor games and after work and also to get away from hangovers.

    hope this helps.

  5. how about cucumber

  6. to give lt some flavour

  7. to kill the germs

  8. to give it some flavor?  Why do people put ketchup on eggs?

  9. I do it when I have an upset stomach. Or if the nausea is really bad I just have the lime straight up.

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