
Why do people put aluminum foil on their windows?

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Why do people put aluminum foil on their windows?




  1. to reflect the heat from coming in during the summer.

  2. well in my case it was to keep all light out. aluminum foil works great as a light blocker so that 3rd shift people can sleep in the day.

  3. i have seen people who work 3rd shift do it to keep out the light so they can sleep in the daytime. i have also seen crackheads and meth freaks do it to keep the imagery people who follow them around from seeing what they are doing.they really believe they are out there watching them.

  4. So that they can keep their house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winters!

  5. because they can't afford blinds

  6. To keep their home cool in the summer.

  7. You see that a lot in's suppose to deflect the sun's heat.

  8. reflects the heat from the sun so the house stays cool.  or they are growing weed.

  9. it reflects the heat and keep ur home cooler and if its in there cars its to keep the seats from getting to hot and the inside of their cars.

  10. to reflect the flourescent light onto their plants, if you know what i mean, nudge nudge, wink wink.

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