
Why do people put in so much effort complaining about abortion on here.....?

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and yet don't put in any effort about birth control that would have saved many abortions from happening in the first place.




  1. Abortion is a hot button topic. A lot of people are against it. I put the effort in and mention the active use of birth control all the time, but people will still argue that it doesn't matter and that anyone should have an abortion for any reason.

    I think its as wrong as phyically abusing someone and will always argue against it. Even if someone says its their kid they're abusing, doesn't mean its right and i should silence myself and not pipe up.

    Benj B said it right...a person who can actually grasp anothers point of view.

  2. If you really want to know it is quite simple.

    Anti Abortion people actually believe abortion is killing a human life.

    People get lost in huge debates Pro Choice/Pro Life, when the main point of disagreement is When Life Begins.

    So if we grasp their way of thinking, Abortion is a really intense matter.

  3. Because its the internet and they like the sound of their own "voice".  I rarely believe anything I read on here anyway.  A lot of narcissistic misogynists pretending to be something or someone they're not:  intelligent.

  4. Cause those same people don't think anyone should use birth control.

    I'd assume.

    Can you believe some people though? Humans are going to have s*x. Logically, if they don't want kids then they should at least use BC to avoid that huge mess. Oh well.  

  5. Some think its more of an issue of rights than an issue of if they made a mistake. Do what you want to your body but give the kid a chance. You want equality well show humanity first then when we think your human we can talk about equality.

  6. Because they just want to complain, they don't actually want to actively seek out a way to help matters. They aren't the tiype to promote or invent irth control methods or work with children who are suffering because they wernt aborted and were brought into a family or abuse and neglect.

  7. You have a point.

    But unfortunately there will always be stupid people who don't bother and then 'oops!  I'm pregnant!'

  8. They feel they know what's best for everyone else, they think they know what they'd do in the given situation, they think they have some higher knowledge that some people just don't quite understand.

    Oh, and they think that anyone that has an abortion does it thinking "whoops!  I f***ed that dude last night, huh?  Abortion time!"  --That's usually not the case.

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