
Why do people put lion statues in front of their homes? What does this symbolize? What do they mean?

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Why do people put lion statues in front of their homes? What does this symbolize? What do they mean?




  1. oh now I know why people put lions in front of their homes. well thats interesting information.

  2. Lions are a symbol of strength and power.  Placing statues in front of your home would be telling someone symbolically not to mess with you.

    Also, intimidation is another symbol.

  3. I believe they are considered to be powerful guardians. They ward off unwanted energy.

  4. Lions, in the greek culture represented a warrior with great status and bravery. They said to passersby that the warrior had accomplised something and was very high ranked in society. Recent lions are often put in front of mansions to show wealth, as a symbol of riches and high class. So it is debated that lions now a days is only for show, but in the Greek society it was a symbol of power in the City-state and in the government.

  5. The lion is like giving out signs to those who want to rob the house as if the lion was a guard of the house..

    for example if you had a real lion in front of your house, it would most likely attack those who want to break in your home.

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