
Why do people put older kids in strollers?

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I am talking like three years old and older. It sort of infantilizes them... and honestly they look embarrassed. The other day I saw a girl in a buggy with a pacifier and I swear to you she was not a day under four. Why do people put kids in strollers when they can just walk beside them holding hands? Are they really in that much of a hurry or don't want the contact? I think it's sad, myself...




  1. I bought a kick @ss double stroller that I plan to use until my kids are FIVE or their combined weight reaches100 lbs.   That's right 5.   It also attaches to my bike and it's a jogger.

    I wonder how many of the people who are outraged by this even have children.

  2. To contain them and keep them safe. Honestly I don't remember how old my son was when we got rid of the stroller, that was 30 years ago, but my granddaughter is 27 months and we still use the stroller. I can't run as fast as i used too.

  3. Because they are cheaper and more manageable than a wheelchair.  Anytime you see a really good looking much older boy in a stroller, notice if he has a very large head, recessive eye color and if he avoids eyecontact with you, chances are he is autistic.  And if a pacifier is the only thing that keeps him from having meltdowns well then its the lesser of 2 evils.  An autistic child feels safer within the barrier of the stroller, yes they really don't want much contact with people, that makes them really anxious.

  4. kids get tired, and parents get lazy.  i make my son walk, but i'll bring the umbrella stroller if its a long one, like the zoo or something. otherwise i have to carry him when hes tired, and i just dont have the stamina for that.

  5. Little guys get tired in a hurry and then get very grumpy.  Also, they tend to run all over the place and you are always chasing them down to keep them out of trouble or from getting lost.  Buggys just make it easier sometime, especially when the two of you are out for a long day.

  6. She could have been a special needs kid- you never know what the situation is with a stroller. Many special needs kids outwardly look like any normally functioning kid. On the other had if it was a healthy 4 year old- I have no idea- I pefer to let me child walk herself out so she'll sleep!

  7. So they don't get lost???

  8. Because they are probobally trying to keep their child in their I remember my told me I used to love just to get out and run away, one time I ran into the kitchen at, children are just bad..

  9. The pacifier in the mouth of a 4 year old is worse than the stroller.

    The parent might be in a hurry, or concerned that their child will get into trouble, or be kidnapped.  Today's society has so many dangers that I do not really criticize these parents.

  10. Depends on where they are.  In a crowded area? Do you have kids?  Do you know that sometimes they can walk off when you glance away for just a second?  A stroller makes the parents feel better that they can keep an eye out for their child.  Also, some kids whine and whine because they have to walk so much.  I would rather put my kid in a stroller than have to listen to them whine about walking the entire time.  A 3 year old in a stroller is not too old.  I think 4 and older is pushing it.

  11. I agree with you that it's weird sometimes when kids 3 and up are in strollers when they're perfectly able to walk... I would think that mostly it's when walking longer distances so the kid doesn't whine and cry when tired and the adult doesn't want to carry the kid. My son is 2 1/2 (almost) and I still use the stroller once in awhile, but usually let him walk holding my hand. Kids need exercise too. Also, sometimes it's hard to keep a young child on the sidewalk if he/she is walking.

  12. Because they hate their children and wish to encourage dependency and laziness.

    I make mine walk on a leash.  No, a kiddie leash.  Toys-R-Us has them.

  13. Because parents are to lazyyy to keep track of their children, we were at the art fair a few weeks ago and i swear their was a kid their who must of been in 1st grade and he was in a stroller and he was still jumpingt out and running every were so i dont understand why they dont get a leish

  14. it's very tiring for a child of that age to walk far distances...i wouldn't expect a child under six or seven to be able to walk thru an amusement park or even around a mall for a few hours.

  15. Maybe they don't want to be embarrassed when their kid acts up.  I agree with you though it is sad.  The younger they are you start making them hold your hand the younger they will start behaving in the store.

    I can't help but stare at the older kids still sucking on a pacifier.

  16. I have actually been asked this question before because my 2nd son was a big boy---he was very tall for his age and just looked older than he was (he is still extremely tall for his age!)--he was one yrs old and people thought he was like 3--he got put in a stroller for his safety and because he didn't (and we didn't expect him to at 1 yr old) want to walk all day--not because we were lazy or anything...can't always judge a book by it's cover---parents have reasons for what they do--you take care of yours and I will take care of mine...who are you to ask why?

  17. b/c their kids are spoiled, and they let them get away with whatever they want.  the parents haven't grown up themselves.

  18. Lazy parenting!

  19. I honestly don't know the answer to this one, but I just wanted to say that I totally agree.  It does infantize them, and make them look pitiful.  And don't get me started on pacifiers.  They are for BABIES not TODDLERS!

  20. i dont get it either i think after 2 its too much, but it should be stopped at 1. if they can walk, let em walk

  21. Cause it is easier for the parent - they don't have to chase them around.  A pacifier at 4 - I hope they know a good dentist!  I agree - it is sad!

  22. My son hasn't been in a stroller since he learned how to walk, which was 10 months old. He NEVER slows down. I agree with you totally, it annoys me to no end. As do the pacis in older kids. (And the parents have no idea why their kids aren't talking correctly- take the darn paci out of his mouth, geeze!) If you are in a hurry, pick your kid up and carry him. Otherwise, let the kid walk.

    Edit- you guys are saying put leashes on your kids what are they, dogs?  Be attentive and pay attention to what your Child is doing, make sure they hold your hand and don't let them wander off. Duh. When my 2 year old and I are in a crowded place, guess what? I CARRY HIM. It is not that hard, gosh people these days are SO LAZY!

  23. Our society is so much in a hurry that parents think that letting them walk slows them down.  It is sad but hey they are the parents.  God Bless!

  24. i have sen kids coming home from sch in strollers, and with dummys, my almost 3 yr old hasn't been in her stroller since she turned 2 she has always walked well, i think some parents are just lazy and cant be bothered to get their kids to walk.

    my SIL put her large 3 yr old in stroller while we were on holiday last year, he was constantly asking to get out, but because he 'may' run off , he couldn't get out. i felt so sorry for him and we were at Disney!!

  25. My sister did that with my nephew. He was four years old and still being carted around in the stroller. The thing is, when they are being in a stroller all of the time, then their legs don't get exercised. My nephew couldn't walk along with her or keep pace because his legs would start to hurt after awhile. It was so much easier for my sister to just stick him in the stroller than to take the time and patience needed to get him so that he could walk along with her without problems. I ended up breaking him of the stroller by slowly building up his endurance when walking.

  26. I always laugh at big kids in strollers. The only excuse a child over 2 should be in a stroller is if they are disabled.

  27. My son's 2.5 and I wouldn't dream of not bringing his stroller someplace.  We try the hand holding, and the warnings about staying with me, but he has no fear about the dangers around him.  He doesn't like to hold hands so the alternative is the stroller because I would rather him feel a tad babied than get lost or be snatched because he wandered off.  He's not lazy and would totally prefer to not be in his stroller, but until he learns what's acceptable in public, he's stuck.  It's for his own safety especially in someplace crowded.  There are a lot of creeps out there!

  28. What's worse is when you see the kids wearing one for those things that look like a dog leash.  I would feel so stupid to be holding on the the other end of it.

  29. so they cant get into any trouble

    plz answer mine;...

  30. First of all a child after 1 yrs with a pacifier is going to be very insecure when they are grown. This is parents fault for not training the child right.

    As for being in a stroller, could be the only way they can control said child, [ children tend to wander off ].

    Parent is concerned about child's whereabouts and wants to keep track of them [ put in stroller or put baby lease on them ].

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