
Why do people put those 'Baby on Board' stickers in cars?

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Its not like I'm going to deliberatly drive into the back of a car anyway and why should the thought of a baby in a car make anyone reckless slow down . I cannot stand those 'Cheeky Monkey on board' stickers either. It doesn't matter if a baby, toddler, teenager or adult is in the car. No one deserves to be in an accident. i don't see how a patronising sticker can do any good.




  1. In case of an accident, they should know that there is a small baby in the car.

  2. so that other people know that you have special cargo on board so to not drive like a maniac!

  3. In my experience in a number of cases it is because the driver is under the impression that they can disregard the Highway Code when it comes to things like pulling out of junctions when it is safe to do so. Many of thse people should take the sticker off the backwindow and put it in the windscreen facing them to remind themselves there is a baby on board.

  4. On most days, it's a warning; on good days, an excuse for bad driving.

    But here's what you should do when you spot a decal on a kid transporter: Give as wide a berth as possible; or better still, AVOID at all cost.

    You've been warned.

  5. In the unfortunate event of an accident, they help to inform emergency services that there are young children in the car. But since child seats are sooooo massive, you would have to be stupid not to notice! There are "mother to be" ones as well. You are obviously someone young, who hasn't got any children.

  6. to make people that hit them feel worse about it

  7. The meaning of those signs (baby on Board )is for different reasons one being aftermath of an accident if the adult is unconscious or worse then someone knows there is a child on board the vehicle.

    Also such as sporty cars i have owned i often get people trying to race me,But after glueing to my bumper and seeming to read the sign they have come along side and made hand signs about the kids in the car and drove away..

    So what ever reason it works for a minority when they read the sign.Ok it may not for you but you are always going to get the keep off the grass and someone is playing on it and the 30mph but you go 50mph people.

  8. "Human being operating this keyboard"

  9. Some people like to race and ush other cars.  A baby sticker warns them they are not interested, and that the baby is maybe why they are driving a bit slower than normal.

  10. Just saying  I got kid/s on board this vehicle... keep well away  ....    I own the road.    you stay behind not pass...

  11. the inventer invented it just for the reason mentioned in the very first answer.  same with the orginal "animals on board" signs.

    of course when all the parodies showed up, it kind of rendered it moot.

  12. I really dont know, I personally think you'd have to be stupid to put any object that will be easily identifiable by anyone.  E.g. You are seen speeding, but the cops decide not to chase you.  All they get is your type of car and a huge sticker on the back.  Not many cars will have the same make and colour as yours with the same sticker in the same place.  It just makes your car stand out more.

  13. Oh, please NOT again!  

    However, they are supposed to advise rescuers in the event of an accident that there is still a baby in there somewhere, and it's not always obvious.  Unfortunately the average motorist does not have the wit to grasp this and so leaves the sign there all the time as some sort of tacky badge of honour, defeating the object . . .

  14. To illegally use the Parent and Child parking bays at the supermarkets when there is no child on board maybe?

  15. Carrie made a good point about emegency services being able to find it quickly.

    The cheeky monkey stickers are stupid indeed.

  16. It's because if the car is involved in a serious accident it lets the emergency services know that they are looking for a small person as well as the obvious adults on board.  It's not a "no virgins here!" sticker as one comedian once said.

    As for your other answer that giving birth is easy (rats do it etc.) they obviously have never been through childbirth - it's easily the most horrific experience you can ever go through but that's not why they put the sticker in their car.

  17. I agree completely! If you're going have an accident, it will happen anyway. Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front is only common sense and good manners.

  18. I agree - however I think a lot of them also act as sun sheilds for the baby as well.

  19. To warn the rest of us that the driver is constantly being distracted by their demanding offspring and that we should give them a wide berth so they don't cause an almighty pile up.   Kids surely far more distracting than mobile phones etc.  should be banned from cars!

  20. so they can be jerks and think the road all about them and their precious baby.

  21. I think any kind of sticker or out of the ordinary ornament on a car is dumb unless it is actually useful, such as the stickers on hybrid cars that let them go in the carpool lane.  All those do is take another driver's attention away from the road.

  22. on most roads its a polite request to give a little more room to the vehicle and let people know there are kiddies inside, however if used on the A14 in a black BMW X5 it gives the driver a god given right to jump in front of my 44ton truck slam her brakes on causing me to swerve round her nearly killing innocent road users, then  re-overtake me blasting her horn giving me the w****r sign as i nearly run in the back of her!!! if i hadn't of seen the baby on board sign i would of hit her rather than risk my or any one Else's life,  children were in her car by the way

  23. It's because those people often think that fathering/mothering a baby is a difficult task and that they are somehow better than the rest for having achieved it. They fail to see that even monkeys and rats can give birth.

  24. its a ploy to stop other drivers tail gating!...

  25. Like everyone else has said, 'accident'. It is questionable considering the size of a baby seat though - they're hardly invisible!

    When you think about it though, surely a high speed accident that results in an impact strong enough to knock an adult(s) unconscious... gives little chance of a sucker cup retaining it's visible position?

    Perhaps there should also be other signs, such as "I have protected s*x", or "Little Accident in the car".


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