
Why do people........?

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why do some people try to find something WRONG with other people yet they don't try to find something with THEMSELVES?





  1. Because when they do that, IT IS a reflection of how they feel about themselves disguised.

    Some people will go so far as to constantly criticize other people and tell them what to do and what to give a sh*t about, when what's really going on is those people feel their own lives are out of control (aware or not) so they try to control everyone elses lives which they mistakenly think helps.

  2. remove the log from your own eye before you try to remove the speck in your brothers

    if people did this it would be a more peaceful place don't you think

    this by the way is a true teaching of Christ

  3. There are only two ways to make yourself look good.  

    1) to put everyone down until it is only you standing

    2) to work hard until you stand above the rest

    Which one is easier?

  4. 1) They love putting people down (Hate people like that)

    2)There so unhappy with their own faults they pick at others

    3)There pathetic

  5. There are a variety of reasons.  Most are obvious.

    1.  They want to feel better about themselves.

    2.  They are blind and actually think they are perfect, or near perfect.

    3.  They are selfish.

    4.  They have troubles accepting their own faults.

  6. maybe because they think that they are better than everyone .... or that they are right and the others are wrong or maybe you are a little sensitive  

  7. Because its an imperfection in us. As a christian and one of Jehovah's servants. I try very hard not to do this. I try hard to see only the good in people. And even more so in my brothers and sisters. There are so much written in the bible about this subject. And how we are not suppose to do this. Or to be a busy body. We just read about this, this past week. We all have our down falls. I don't care who you are. The last person that didn't have a flaw walked on water. Have a great day, and try not to be to angry at these people you're speaking of.  

  8. Because I'm perfect...

  9. because if everyone went around thinking everything about them was horrible and they were a piece of rubbish, they would be depressed all the time. its just human nature to do it so you feel better about yourself.  

  10. By pointing out others flaws they hope people won't notice there's.  xox

  11. Because it's far easier to criticize others, and it enables them to overlook their own faults. It's the path of least resistance.

  12. Judge not. The same measure you judge with you shall also be judged with, says the creator.  

  13. Jesus said something similar in Matthew 7:3-5.  

  14. They are blind in their own situations and is not aware of the mistakes/wrong in their life's.

  15. because they do have alot of things wrong with themselves and pick on other peoples insecurities to cover their own. x x

  16. our ego sometimes get in the way of being fair,

    sometime people have a hard time being honest about themselves

    .its a immature aspect of mankind.

  17. It is natural that every person think that they are perfect than others because they have their own norms for the life.  They think that they can do, but others should not do (like that attitude).

    All is from ego and pride.(charaters of Satan).

    If a person has love, forgiveness, and sacrifice that is God's characters.

  18. Jesus said it best in Matt. 7:3-5 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

  19. They are always our mirror. That is the only way to speak to yourself.

  20. Their egos blind them.

  21. because they already know they are pathetic, so they try to bring everyone down to there level.    
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