
Why do people raise theire hands in school when they don't even know the answer to the example?

by Guest32155  |  earlier

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one time a kid raised theire hand but then when the teacher called on him he didn't even know the answer he just said "I forgot" I hate that it is so anoying.




  1. they do it to get attention due to their insecurities. they cant get that attention from their family or friends so they'll do whatever they need to compensate. these people are acutally pretty sad and pathetic. i feel sorry for them...

  2. I know for one of my friends, she does it because otherwise, she feels as though people are staring at her and think she's stupid.  She does it as a way of feeling like other people don't think she's stupid, because the other teachers call on the A+ average students more often than the lower-average ones in her class.

  3. some kids do it for attention otheres might just be dozy or follow the crowd or maybe they really did forget sometimes teachers pick the kids with there hands down and therefore by puttin your hand up it excludes you from getting picked but there are many reasons but it does get annoying

  4. Either because they thought they knew it and then realized they didn't...

    ...or because they are dozy slack-witted idiots, with the reasoning capacity of a drugged cat.

  5. It's tough growing up in Mississippi and Alabama, right?

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