
Why do people rationalize their bad decisions even though they know it's wrong?re: Obama followers?

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most people dont want to admit they're wrong. its called EGO. they will do anything to rationalize their decisions/make it look right because they can't possible have picked a bad choice. first they get defensive then they start finding ways to deny/lie to themselves & others.

simliar to when an abused woman defends her mate. she'll make any excuse for his behavior (i.e. he hit me because he was having a bad day, he was stressed, things will get better tomorrow, he's not usually like this etc. )

she doesnt want to admit that she made a wrong choice in picking a loser to have a relationship with.

until she swallows her pride/ego....matures emotionally and mentally can she escape this kind of lifestyle and be free.




  1. take your meds the question rambled on and made no sense...

  2. . 'rationalizing' is better than acknowledging that you made a mistake.

    Then you don't have to explain why you made that mistake.

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