
Why do people recommend plecos for goldfish aquariums?

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plecos are tropical 24-28c

goldfish are coldwater 5-20c

they have different requirements




  1. to ear more money pleco sucks the body of the goldfish then lead to buy more goldfish

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper.

  2. Plecos can withstand the colder temperatures and do fine in them, and goldfish can also withstand the warmer temperatures, and do fine, even though they prefer colder. I have seen dult plecos in larger ponds doing perfectly fine.

    Not only that, but your temperatures are way off. Goldfish can survive in 5 degrees C, but that is still very cold for them and makes them almost completely inactive. They prefer temperatures between 18-23 degrees C, or about 65 degrees F to 72 degrees F.

  3. because plecos can adapt to about any temperature very well, they are extremely hardy and goldfish are very very dirty and if you didnt have an algae eating  fish it would drive you mad! trust me, plecos are always a plus for any aquarium

  4. because they are stupid and should be put into an arctic environment w/o proper clothing. lol. that would be funny right?

    Oh, you gave out advice w/o caring to do proper research. You told someone to put a tropical fish in a cold water tank... We will put you into a room with 40 degree air and no clothes. you won't die right away you will suffer. :)

    You said to put that lizard on sand? hmm... We must put sand into your food, and calcium into your water. Say hello to kidney stones. :)

  5. where do you come up with these "requirements" there more like guidelines if anything else, thats just what there normal invoronment is but trust me plecos are hardy, they can live in temperatures that arent perfect - i recomend them because i have proven experience with plecos in goldfish tanks

    heres what i said before

    i recomend a pleco, not that im saying it is the perfect invironment for them but plecos are the hardiest fish ive ever owned and youll still get plenty of years out of one without 80 degree water, plus a 2-3 inch one only costs around 3$ at petco

    trust me, i had an unheated fish tank mabye 10 years back with a pleco and 2 goldfish, the goldfish died within 5 years and the pleco was still alive when the goldfish died (gave the pleco away after the goldfish died) and i live in wisconsin so if a pleco can laste over 5 years in a unheated tank -especially in the wisconsin winters im pretty sure they could live in yours

  6. There aren't many fish that are big enough to be compatible with goldfish, but plecos are. They can be kept together if you do it right. Goldfish can be kept at 75 degrees maximum, plecos can be kept at 72 degrees minimum. There's a little overlap. The question is, would either fish be happy when pushed to its limits?

  7. While I dont recommend it, the actual numbers are

    Goldfish 5-25c

    Pleco 20- 28c

    So there is an overlap. It's not ideal for either fish, but thay can handle it. Both are big messy fish, so filtering isn't an issue, they both need it.

    There is the slime sucking issue with fancy goldfish, so be very carefull there. But a 100 gal tank with a couple of comets and a big pleco kept at 22C, it could work.


  8. Because they're cheap and do alright in a goldfish tank.

    It's kindof dumb though because they get huge.

  9. I think the main reason why people think that they are good together is because the pleco will eat all of things that goldfish produce, which is a lot. What people don't realize is exactly like what you said, they have different requirements.

    In my own opinion I believe that plecos should be kept at their required temperature range, whether they can survive in coldwater temperatures or not. I just think it is best that they live in what they are supposed to ok?

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