
Why do people refer to their siblings as "half"?

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I mean technically if both of you don't come from the same two parents that makes you "half siblings" according to whoever made that rule, but I hate the way that sounds. Where did that come from? If it came from the bible, then I can't argue it, but if its some man-made term, then it's stupid.

You either have a sister or a brother. To say someone is your half sister or half brother is so unnecessary. Your mother raised you and a sibling since birth, she gave birth to both of you, but your sibling is only your "half" sibling because you have different fathers?

Am I the only one who thinks it is a stupid term to use?

I am an only child, but if my mom had other kids by another man, or if my father had kids by another woman, in my mind and heart, they are my sister or brother. I would not introduce them to people as my "half" nothing because it doesn't matter.

My husband and I have a child together, and we have children from previous relationships. We do NOT teach our children to call each other "half sister & brother". They are sisters and brothers, period.




  1. I've only got one sibling an older brother and we are blood siblings. We both have the same mother and father and have lived together for the last 15 years ( that's how old I am )

    But if my mum had another child with another man now, I would refer to it as my half brother or sister.

    Although, if she had, had one before I was born I would probably think of it as a real sibling because I would have grown up with it being part of my life.

    Half siblings have different genetics, so can be very different.

    But even though me and my brother have the same genes we are different. He's the perfect son type and I'm the f**k up.

  2. ok, i agree with you 100 percent, but let me ask you this, my sisters and I share the same mother, but the man that raised all 3 of us, is my youngest sisters dad, not mine, and the middle child.. so would we even be technically related to him, no, because he didn't adopt either of us older 2, but yet when my mom left, he still raised us, and we have always just been sisters, even though technically we aren't "full-blood" sisters. so again, i agree with you totally.  

  3. sometimes it dosent happen that way..

  4. Because they have a different parent.

    I have a half brother, but i consider him my whole brother. I think the term half id dumb

  5. sorry you have your shorts in a knot

    but the expression is accurate

  6. they come from 1 parent OR the other so they are 1/2 related by blood

  7. I don't see a question here at all really. They call each half because half the blood is there. I see it as very cold and unnecessary as well.

    The Bible is man made. Even if your a christian the bible was still written by man just "inspired" by god.  

  8. I have 1 sister and 1 brother from my dads recent marriage to my step mom  and they are my half brother and sister and to my mom's recent marriage to my step dad I have 1 sister and she is my half sister as well. I call them my my sisters and brother because I was only child... I guess to parents who are remarried and who already have kids and then have kids by their recent marriage I guess they use that term me and my sister have the same mom.... me , my other sister , and brother have the same dad ... not the same mom.

    I guess it is kind of a dumb term when you are an only child . But I have to agree on what you said .

  9. Its pretty, technically he is my half brother, because i wasn't raised with him, and he's on the east coast and i'm on the west, and he visits occasionally.

  10. This really isn't a question, but more of a rant.  

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