
Why do people refuse to believe that paranormal zone exist?

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Al I see so far is people screaming for evidence, Well its out there and with a few click of your comeputer keys it could be there right in front of you but you seem to want other people to do all of your work for you.... There is police reports, government reports from all over this United States... And it really so easy to retrive this information for yourself... But rather then do that you sit there and complain..... Now you know like I know the truth is out there for those that wish to make the effort to retrieve it....




  1. Because it doesn't exist (I was going to read your arguments, but it rambled on so long that I got bored, so I just answered).

  2. 2 reasons i can think of:

    1.they might be afriad.

    2.they wont belive intill they see it.

  3. most people dont believe because they have not expereinced anything paranormal or they think its a load of s*it. everybody believes in all different things. i believe in the paranormal, but i dont believe in god. i know people however who do believe in god and dont believe in the paranormal.

    People believe in bigfoot, i dont. i believe in loch ness, others dont.

    Movies are fake. Some ghost hunter shows people believe are fake.

    Hoaxes, legends, myths some people believe are just fairy tale stories. Others believe that they were true stories.

    Everybody believes in different things. There may be evidence to back something up, but personal expereince is always more believable.

  4. People are very ignorant and are too stuck-up to believe in very real things.  I fail to see what you mean by all this "horror" though.  I suppose it is the way you choose to perceive it, really.

  5. What I am going to hold against you is your belief system.. and your opinion, that is all that is in your post.  Go play with Lego's.  

  6. Ow-

    Giant block of unformatted text is making my brain hurt.

    You are asking people to believe in something that soceity has told them is false.  Most people have never experienced anything weirder than having the same song come up on their IPOD shuffle tiwce in a row.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  7. i find most people are scared to believe things like that exist.

    i have meny spirits and ghostly things happen to me in my lifetime

    and i agree its enough to scare you and not to believe in the,but i still do.

    and my dads friend killed himself over a ouiji bored!

  8. I truly do believe in many things supernatural even though i have not been bothered or harassed by them but some people think only in a square box and will not open their minds up for these types of citations.I have seen many of your words on the paranormal and you really know your facts and i am glad that people like you are out her learning of the terrible and scary things that not all of us have seen.Thanks for your sharing of your wisdom.

  9. People refuse to believe that the paranormal zone exists because it's hard to believe in something you can't see. People have a hard time accepting what they can't explain. I know you wish people were more open to the "unexplainable" but you can't force people to believe what they can't see.

  10. because some people are the i have to see it to believe it types.

  11. Sometimes people just don't want to believe. Like me, when I walk out of movies based on true events I say "Its not real" or "It won't happen to me." Also, some people don't believe what they can't see. Or people aren't open minded enough.

  12. I do believe the paranormal exist. In my theroy skeptics are so arrogant that when they see new evidence of the paranormal they will dismiss it because they don't want to be proven wrong.  

  13. It is simply because as of this moment, absolutely no credible evidence has been produced.  

  14. Dude I wanna believe but it's a little hard when you've never seen anything.I'm amazed by things like this but have never experienced such things maybe you could share some of yours with me if you want.I played around with an ouija board when I was young it was harmless fun.So maybe you can enlighten me.

  15. anyone can run around in the dark saying "did u just hear that" "WHAT" "sounded like footsteps" "YES, I HEARD IT TOO" " lets use one of our gadgets than can be affected by anything in the room COUGH!!!!! i mean that can detect a ghost" "OK, JEEZ ANYONE ELSE JUST SUDDENLY FEEL A COLD DRAFT?" "yes i did but we're in this old cellar with no windows open, i feel someone or some thing is with us, but unfortunately my camera isn't picking anything up" "OK SWITCH TO THERMAL" "OK I'M GETTING A REAL COLD SPOT NEXT TO THIS OLD PIPE AND MY ELOCTRO MAGNETIC CLICKING THINGY IS GOING CRAZY" "I think we should leave and analyze our data"

    The team checked there data and found although nothing could prove the existence of ghosts, they had indeed proved people are suggestible and dumb, money in the bank, job done.

  16. Whether you are right or not about the paranormal, using movies as an argument to give credence to it really takes away all credibility. Movies are meant to be fiction.  I saw the Narnia movie. Does that mean there is a real Narnia world out there? I also saw the Lord of the Rings. Must I therefore believe in the existence of hobbits and orcs, etc.?

    I suggest you use something other than movies on which to base your belief system.

  17. Hun... Why do some people say that "God" is real but life on other planets is total bullshit?

    Why do some people believe that just because we don't have the technology to understand something "Paranormal" right this second, it can't possibly be real?

    Why do some people still believe that demons and angles are real but the Fay and Ghosts are total c**p?

    People are strange, superstitious, and just over all stupid creatures...

    There is no reasoning with humans... No matter WHAT your views are.

    Some people can only believe what they have seen themselves...

    Other people are TOO 'open minded' and honestly believe that holding a refrigerator magnet to their forehead will magically cure cancer...

    We ALL have our quirks and until we can provide hard core, undeniable evidence for some things... People will just believe whatever FEELS right to THEM!!

    Personally? I don’t believe in the “Paranormal” in that if it exists, then it is part of the natural order of things and “Para” indicates that it is something that SHOULDN’T BE…

    Ghosts? I’ve seen some creepy things in my life… I’m pretty sure there is something to SOME of the reports… But do I think that ghosts are “Paranormal”? No, because if it exists then there is a REASON for it to exist in the great scheme of things…

    God? I have seen no evidence to the existence of ANY of the MILLIONS of gods to have been created by man in the span of history. There is more ‘evidence’ to prove the existence of Ghosts then there is to show the existence of ANY gods.

    UFO’s? I’m on the fence on this one… I lived in Arizona and I saw everything from spectacular meteor showers to the Space Shuttle flying over head… to missiles being detonated all the way from white sands!

    I’ve seen little blue “Stars” that did massive zig-zag patterns from horizon to horizon in the span of seconds… I was at Lake Pleasant with my now-x fiancé and we were both amazed… Neither of us had ever seen anything like it… We were both 100percent sober. (YES, you can go fishing without alcohol!)

    I saw a big yellow “Star” that would hover over the electric generation plant in St John’s Arizona and move around the sky… I asked a woman getting gas on the other side of the pump from me if she saw what I saw and she looked up and told me that she sees that same yellow ball moving around the sky every few nights for the 18 years she had lived in the town…

    I saw a white “Star” that looked like when the Space Shuttle would fly over head but it was doing a VERY tight ‘wiggle’ back and forth as it flew over my house… I had a friend sitting with me on my driveway when I saw this and I remember asking him “Jim… Am I seeing things or is that satellite wiggling back and forth?” and he saw it too… We were both stone sober…

    I even saw a bright orange “Star” that hovered in the sky before a small yellow ball shot off of it heading north before the bright orange ‘Star’ winked out… My friend’s whole family also saw this from a few miles away at the same time… This took place about a year and a half before the “Phoenix Lights” over South Mountain that made international news.

    You just have to use your brain and make sure you keep things in perspective… Did I see “Aliens”? I have no idea… Did I see “Military Air Craft”? Again, I have no idea… I can’t PROVE either so I just say I saw something really strange and really cool and if we happen to figure out what it is, then so be it, but if not, it is just another quirky thing that has happened to me in my life.

    I don’t doubt that ANYTHING is possible… The universe is FAR too complicated do discount anything…

    You ALWAYS just need to remember that as we advance as a species, we may be able to prove or disprove ANYTHING…

    Don’t proclaim something as ‘Paranormal’ just because we CURRENTLY can’t identify it.

  18. Their has never been actual proof of the paranomal. I am not saying it doesn't exist I am just saying that not one time on a ghost TV show or a picture has thier been actual proof. I beleive ghost are people who aren't relising they are in the spirit world.

  19. I completely agree with you. Though, It is up to the individual to decide wether or not they want to believe. As for the excistance of God, yes there has to be a god. Just ask the question, why are we here? Regardless of whether we are decendants of monkeys or not. People cannot truely call themselves educated without an open mind. Do you think vampires are real? I've been wondering if there are....

  20. i think its because they to have nothing to do with them sometimes ot because they lost a family member

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