
Why do people refuse to vote?

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the only reason I can think of is if the system is illegitimate or if it's is physically life threatening to go cast a ballot. For those fortunate enough to live in a 'free world'.

Why the heck would you not?

It's the only way to decide how much of the money you get to keep after a day's work...




  1. In my case, I won't vote any more (I used to) because I am sick to death of judicial activism. The final straw was the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore. I figure that if the Court won't allow the votes to be fully and completely counted, to make sure who had won, there's no point. Other displays of judicial activism that are so outrageous to me include:

    Weber v. Aetna Ins. (1972)

    Roe v. Wade (1973)

    Zablocki v. Redhail (1978)

    Turner v. Safley (1986)

    Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992)

    Miller v. Johnson (1995)

    Romer v. Evans (1996)

    Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

    And Arizona v. Fulminante (1991) was a display of activism insofar as the Court inappropriately overturned a precedent which they had no business overturning.

  2. Coz your vote doesnt really change anything

  3. ask Gore why he lost the poplar vote

    ask Bush, why he stole the vote

    why do we have a electorial college

    its all politics, and money babe

    why do you hear from your officials only when their time is come

    if you do vote, go clinton

  4. I have 1 reason that will answer your question: We refuse to vote because we can! Politics are BS.


  5. cos borin an all full of false promises none live up too expectations an you never see politaical parties until votin occurs agaon then bangin on ya door disruptin ya peacful time

  6. Voter apathy and the notion that 1 vote doesn't matter.

  7. Because lobbyists' win with money. Whoever has money can control and put things into their favor. Why vote when people are controlled by lobbyists?

  8. I hear you.  Oddly enough it seems that the more dangerous it is to vote, the more likely the electorate is to get out there and actually do it!

    And oddly enough, those who refuse to vote seem to be the ones who howl the loudest about the status quo, completely ignoring the fact that THEY are a MAJOR part of the reason for it being what it is!

    I've voted in every election since I became enfranchised.  Haven't missed one yet in 37 years!

  9. For the same reason they choose to live off entitlements, laziness and ignorance!  Thank goodness not everyone votes, those that do not keep up with current events and politics could easily be swayed by the liberal media...

  10. why vote anyway if its all rigged.

    america isn't a democratic country anymore, its more like an empire which takes over places around it. that was supposed to be against the american law, but it was broken when we invaded the middle east.

    i would vote, but only when i get older and only when its fair.

  11. people don't vote, because they either think that their vote means nothing, or they simply just don't know anything about politics or care enough TO vote.

  12. It would actually be bad if EVERYONE voted.

    The people who care vote. The people who don't don't - which might not be such a bad thing because if they did, they might randomly vote for whichever one they see first, which would make a candidate win out of luck rather than public opinion.

  13. Because  a) the Republicans have managed to destroy the system of checks and balances in this country's voting process and people are disappointed.  b) the economy is so messed up due to overspending by trillions on war that people can't afford to focus on anything but work.  

    They should vote anyway, it's slow, but the only way to fix the nation's problems.

  14. Because "none of the above" is not on the ballot. Put that on there and many more people will vote. As for taxes, there is not a nickels worth of difference between the tax and spend democrats and the tax and spend republicans. Only how they spend the money differentiates between them. They both steal our money as fast as we can earn it.

  15. why because these people are lazy and content with complaining about things that their vote could help change . If you asked for a one word answer it would be "LAZY"

  16. Apathy and a total disinterest in politics. It is really too bad many people feel that way.

  17. I have a friend that refuses to register to vote so that he does not have to run the risk of serving on jury duty

    but that soes notstop him from whining about the gov

  18. I vote as often as I can.  At my Caucus, at my county assembly, at all the higher assemblies I can get elected to, at primaries and in the general election.

    I think we should make it more difficult and then people would appreciate it more.

    I am for reregistering for every election because I would do it and the lazy ones that don't know what they are doing wouldn't.

  19. did you know that in some of the countries that are supposedly free, it is compulsory to vote...... hows that for a warped democracy!

  20. because they know counting their votes is a fraud

  21. Of the few people I know who aren't enrolled its usually because of extreme apathy, laziness, thinking it won't make a difference, fear of responsibility, dislike of all candidates, dislike of a democratic system. But I think your talking about USA, which may be different because it's not compulsory to vote even if your enrolled??

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