
Why do people reject documented/recorded facts to follow what can not be proven?

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A good example of this is dinosaurs. There has been, and still are, paintings and carvings of humans and dinosaurs together, but people reject these and keep saying that dinosaurs dies 65 million years ago. There was no one there to see it, and there is no way to test it. The known dating methods have been proven wrong in EVERY test I have ever heard of were the date was already known, accepted despite a 100% failure, and despite the FACT that there is proof of dinosaurs in the past 1,000 years India, 200 years in North America, and even some siting of dinosaurs STILL alive in the swamp in Africa, the forests of South America, and people who have seen the Locc ness monster claim that it is a dinosaur.




  1. I would not want to base my scientific career on having to find a dinosaur.

  2. Oh, that is interesting.  Well, I believe the huge dinosaurs died out before humans came around, don't you?  That is something to think about considering there are paintings and carvings of humans and dinosaurs together.  I have heard of the Loccness monster in Ireland or is it the UK somewhere?  Thanks for the info.

  3. Dinger, your question is a good one. Why do people reject documented/recorded facts about dinosaurs and evolution to follow something that cannot be proven?

    Perhaps it's wishful thinking, wanting the world to be other than what it really is.  

  4. we are born again....GOD SAVES....DINOSAURS DONT....


  5. Probably because it is the popular thing to do.

  6. What? Who thinks the Loch Ness Monster is a dinosaur? A plesiosaur, perhaps. But not a dinosaur.

    Almost every single part of your question is gibberish.

  7. Dangit guyz, yer gettin' all this fancy learnin' mixed up with teh religion...u know they dun go togethers without that there religion a takin' the hits

  8. I'd love to see these cave paintings of men and dinosaurs together, or your evidence for dinos in Africa.  It'll make me the most famous biologist ever!  Please post them.  Otherwise I'll assume that you're making this all up.

  9. The key is "provenance."  Your claim that there are artworks showing people and dinosaurs together is wrong.  Your claim that dating methods don't work is also wrong; any process that creates a separation over time can be used for dating things, and there are dozens (some involving radioactivity, some not) which have been -- and the key element here is that ALL of these give consistent results.  Your claim that dinosaurs still exist is ALSO wrong.  A data point for you: the age of the earth has been determined to high precision; it is 4566 million years old.  (The sun is older by 2.5 million years.)  It would be well for you to study some real science if you would prefer not to be considered hopelessly foolish.

  10. Why do people reject documented/recorded facts to follow what can not be proven?

    I don't know. Why do you reject evolution?

  11. There are no cave paintings of dinosaurs. You are incorrect about dating methods, and we've found the crater from the asteroid impact that set of the mass extinction that took out the dinosaurs. No hard evidence of any dinosaur survival past the end of the Cretaceous. As for the Loch Ness monster.. have any hard proof? A body?  

  12. You have no idea what you're talking about.  It's pretty clear you haven't looked at the science involved but instead trusted what you were spoon fed by your reverend/priest/mullah/rabbi.  I think I'll trust legitimate scientists who are actually trained and spend their lives studying the evidence rather than delusional wackos with diploma mill diplomas and a religio-political agenda.

  13. One answer would be that if they really did live together then why didn't whatever killed them kill us too?

  14. Dibs on FSTDT.

    EDIT: Too late, Isobel. It's already submitted.

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