
Why do people renew their vows??

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is this preference??? or do people fall back in love after something and want to start over fresh?? Married ladies would you like to renew?




  1. It is just a sentimental thing.  It is sweet.  My sister in law did this because it was their 20th anniversary and they didn't have a big wedding the first time around.  It was rather nice and memorable.

  2. Flush that thought in my dumpster and leave it there. Once is enough.

  3. Just to show each other that their committment is still there and how much they mean to each other. I think I want to renew mine after 20-25 years of marriage.  

  4. My husband and I are going to renew our vows. It's not because we want to start over. We are very happy with our lives and would like to celebrate our marriage again (traditionally). We are still as much in love as we were when we got married or even before we got married.  

  5. My husband and I renewed our vows last year and we've only been married 5 years now. Our reasons were very different than most. First and foremost, it was because we married by a notary first and always wanted to have an actual wedding in the church where I grew up and where my parents were married. And secondly, because we had been through a very traumatic experience as a young couple (we lost our daughter, Lily). It tested our faith in God as well as each other and after all of the pain, we renewed our vows to affirm our commitment and love for each other despite the stress we had endured.

  6. want to renew the commitment, usually something happens in a marriage good or bad to make them realize truly how much they love each other.  i know on my 20th in just a few years we are going to renew, just cuz we love each other and want other people to witness that we have made it, you know?

  7. for me i think that it would be like a spice it up thing. i would do it.

  8. I believe that people renew their vows because somewhere along the way the true meaning behind their marriage got lost and they need a reminder of the words they promised.

    je ne sais pas!

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