
Why do people respond?

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... when the person asking the questions is clearly a kid working on a school project looking for you to do the work for them?

Why not let the lazy buggers do their own research and come up with their own thoughts/feelings on the matter instead of giving them yours to co-opt?




  1. my new tactic is to give random wrong answers on those questions.

  2. I like to guide people in their own direction and give them ideas for their essays. I have a degree, and my studies were never encouraged by my parents. Young people do not have fully developed reseaerch skills, hence asking for advice. I craved for someone to help me and will always help others. I even helped the student at work with her health studies work. It gives people confidence to push forward. Lazy?  I was called lazy and stupid at home. You sound like my parents - I left home due to the lack of support in my studies, at the age of 16.  My grandad supported me. His support has given me strength to continue, long after his death at 89 years.

  3. Because it makes them feel superior with their intelligence.

  4. it's a way to express yourself.

  5. I think some of us like to feel there is a connection out there, others that feel the same as we do, that we are not alone. Self esteem is another issue, sometimes it is awesome to know that we are helping someone else.

    Probably we all know what it feels like to be a lazy bugger and we remember what its like to have to rely on someone else's thoughts or feelings while we develop our own.

  6. ...why do people ask dumb questions?
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