
Why do people say 2+2=5 when it answers 4 :)?

by Guest65343  |  earlier

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it just doesnt make sense :)




  1. because if 2+2=4 then it means that if you mix two thing the result cant be better than its element

  2. And thats the point, it means they've got it wrong

  3. Whos sais that? Thick people?

  4. It could be a joke..or they have read 1984 by George me though why people think that is funny.

  5. When I trained to be a chartered accountant I was told that the correct answer to that question was whatever the client was paying for

  6. IT doesnt make sense to me either

    but that's a joke people like..

  7. They're ignorant.

  8. cause theyre abit dim ;)

    like roberta friar ;)

    LOL :)

  9. noone has ever said that to me!!!!!!!! stange...

  10. yea, it's so true!

  11. thay say that because they are to stupid to now the answer x

  12. could it be possible?

  13. there are more than the facts involved in any equation !

  14. In business there is a term used called synergy which means the the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Example: The combination of two companies creates a larger profit than the two individual companies would have made by standing alone.

  15. If you put 2 and 2 together and make 5 it means you're jumping to conclusions

  16. in order to understand...

    better study deductive reasoning...

    not all can solve that, man.

  17. they're making a joke out of it. even if the joke is overused. =]

  18. After careful analysis, it turns out that 2 does not equal 3, even for very large values of 2.

  19. It could be- as other contributor alluded to - the scene in 1984 where O'Brien is trying to teach Winston Smith about mental obedience to the Party by seeing 5 fingers when there are really 4

  20. Its an analogy. Its a way of saying that things don't add up. Or it doesn't make sense. That's why people use that phrase.

  21. This is sometimes a reference to 1984, by George Orwell. The totalitarian government was determined to break the main character's spirit so he would believe anything they told him (or anyone else in the country) was true. They started with "2+2=5, not 4."

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