
Why do people say Canadians are stupid?

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I went to Lake Placid and I went to a restaurant pulled out some Canadian money until I found my American lol and I got laughed at . People can be so rude .

I went to Napanee Ontario (Avril Lavigne's home town) and people are so nice there, I was shocked . So anyone who says Canadians are stupid think again lol

By the way thankyou so much for all of the nice answers I got .

You guys rock .




  1. Ya, and i bet they think we all live in Igloos' and have maple syrup 24/7.

  2. More than likely anyone saying that really means that some of our country's policies are and I'm sure each Canadian could come up with at least one that irks them just as in any other country.  

    The most frequent complaint I've heard is about various levels of government and that we were stupid to let PARTY X have power.  

    Governments may be voted in by the people however there is no assurance that once elected they will keep their promises.

  3. Jealousy and Ignorance.  Ignore the ignorant Americans who have never visited your beautiful country.

  4. I have never heard that before, and I am sorry to hear it now.  No one should call a person or another group of people stupid.  We all, as human beings, behave stupidly at times.  But, there is no excuse for name calling, ever.

  5. because they are.

    Unfortunately people from Ontario get a bad rap, most of them are way cool and very nice.

    People from Quebec suck, they are rude. We hate them here in upstate NY.

  6. arent they?  crazy canadians, lol

  7. the ones who say .. they are stupid

  8. This is the first time that I heard this..........

  9. why do people say Americans are stupid?

  10. Ignorance.

  11. no clue. probably because they think everyone in canada was doging the draft for vietnam and wwII. hey i dont think canadians are stupid. just the people who ran from the draft. hope that made some sense

  12. Well There Not Stupid

  13. That's a lie, I think Canadians are shy, hard working, peaceful and open to other cultures.

    Stupid is to be paranoiac, thinking that everyone is a terrorist, become a world-cop and arrogant as another close neighbor....

  14. I don't know but it is rude!!  The universities there are filled with brilliant people!

  15. I am not aware of any person who says that Canadians are stupid.  Therefore, I do not know why people (whoever they may be) would say that Canadians are stupid.

  16. because they rely on the US for everything.  From tourism to national security.  Not sure if Canada even has a military.

  17. They are jealous. It always happens when someone is jealous, they have to put the others down

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