
Why do people say Ireland is so beautiful? It is raining or freezing most of the time.?

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It is raining or freezing most of the time. The legendary land of 10,000 welcomes is well and truly dead. It is ultra expensive and as an Irish person I have seen much better scenery in other countries. Any scenery u cant see anyway cos of fog. The food is mediocre. The portions are tiny. The prices horrendous. Who would want it?




  1. Well, I LOVE it!!

    I can't explain....I just love it. I want to live there sometime!


  2. Because it is.

  3. That's a little harsh!

    I think it's beautiful. Donegal is lovely anyway.

    = )

  4. I'd say the weather in Ireland is pretty mild, really. Not too hot in Summer, not freezing in Winter. All that rain keeps the grass green. It has become rather expensive though, and people are more money focused than they used to be. This is inevitable though really. If tourism slows down because of the high prices, things may change again.

    As to who wants it, plenty of Eastern Europeans anyway!

  5. the melancholy rain, freshest air in the countryside, legacy of 1000 magical tales, friendliest people on earth, cold air bringing out rosy cheeks, warm inviting taverns, and mostly the fact that its home for Irish people.

    You know that this land nurtured your distant ancestors and in turn they moulded the land and created the society that exists today.

  6. I think when you come from somewhere you start to lose appreciation for the place.

  7. weather does not make a country you be better going to Ibiza or Santa ponza sounds more like your place to go Ireland is a beautiful country i suggest you go to spec savers for glasses!!!with attitude like yours no wonder no one welcomed you,think you just a moaner

  8. Actually you are totally wrong. The prices are quite high compared to other european countries, but we have a higher wage, so i don't know what you are complaining about. it is actually good for us that the prices are high here because when we travel, our money is worth more or we have more of it. People come here for the scenery and they do get it. there is beautiful scenery here especially in Meath.

    It does not rain the whole time. I will admit that it rained thw whole summer last year but we are getting good weather now for the season and It is as normal.

    The food is DELICIOUS! There was a maltese couple, staying with us last week and they themselves said that the food is soo rich and natural compared to malta. The milk is very rich, the beef is tender and delicious, the shrimps are full of flavour, And the food itself is much nicer compared to other european countries.

    I have been to many other countries and the food is actually worse in those. I was in a pub on St. Paddy's day and was not able to finish my lovely meal because they had so much on the plate. I wanted to finish it but couldnt because i was so full. Of course the portions will be tiny in french bistros or Italien ristorantes because that is how they serve them, but in a good irish pub, the food is delicious.

    I am irish and am very very proud of where I am from. It is sooo much nicer compared to other countries. You might get used to it or bored of it after a while but I definately dont. Dont be so pessimistic about Ireland. If you are irish, them be proud of your country. I don't know what you are complaining about, we are much better off here in Ireland, especially after the celtic tiger.

  9. Are you one of those girls who wears little tiny tops and your midriff is exposed? Then no wonder you're cold - put some bloody clothes on. If you want to dress like you're in Spain, then move there ....

    It is expensive, yes. I'll agree with you there. But the food, mediocre? It's improved a lot in recent years .... I dare you to eat in some of the places in Limerick, the food there has improved 150% in the past five years, in both quality and range available. And nice big portions.

  10. would you rather have rain or a drought?

    i think ireland is beautiful =)

  11. no way.  ireland is the best country for scenery.  the rain is beautiful and peaceful.  it is not freezing, it's the perfect temperature and if you have a problem with it i have a piece of advice for you.....MOVE!!!  stop complaining and take care of your problems yourself.  no one wants to hear your negativity

  12. They say that because they came on holiday for a few days. Living there as you point  out is very different. Rain, fog, poor roads, expensive living, depressing, no  mix of culture and introverted. You have just matured, grown up and seen a better world. Well done. Most young people leave as soon as they can nowadays. The rest cannot.

  13. I agree with whoever said our milk is good!

    Great milk and great butter (nice cheese too)

    Meh, I've lived in Ireland all my life and I like it, sure I LOVE the sun and so the fact that it's raining ALL the time isn't great...

    ...that's what holidays are for! I'm off to Hawaii in a few weeks and then I can get my sun :) I can't wait and that's what I like, I can get away from this climate have a different experience and come back, nice and tanned and home to a mild climate where I don't have much fear of getting burned :P

    Sure our prices ARE steep but look, so are our wages...

  14. I loved it in Ireland both times I've been there.  It wasn't all that foggy past the early morning.  The first year it rained some, but it was a light misty rain or just overcast (something I'm used to -- we get a lot of rain, dismal weather, and worse...SNOW...where I'm from).  The second year it was bright and sunny most of the time we were there.

    The scenery was amazing -- especially the Burren.  I could have explored there for years without ever getting bored.

    There's just nothing like it!

    A few of my favourite pictures:

  15. I remember coming in to Belfast airport after a holiday in Rhodes and as the plane descended I looked over the beautiful lush green fields and rolling hills and after the parched land of Rhodes it made it so much clearer what it is that makes Ireland so beautiful.You need some rain to keep the greenery green.You can always put on a warm jacket.As for the food you need to get out more.Our restaurants are fine.Prices are high but then so are wages.

  16. I agree with Elsa's romantic view of Ireland.  I grew up in Ireland and am now living in oppressively hot Florida, which has unbearably long hot summers, hurricanes, tropical storms, stifling humidity, where you can barely breath!! Also full of money obsessed, shallow eejits!  I plan to move home as soon as I can.  I have lived in other countries also, and there are no people in the world, as down to earth, humble, and truly, genuinely sincere as the Irish.  Go live somewhere else for a while, see how you like it, and how much you will miss home. The grass IS always greener in Ireland!

  17. where exactly are you from?

    Ireland IS beautiful....the sun has been shining the last few days! Its gorgeous out...I havent seen fog in weeks!! the food is amazing (why the need for massive portions?that's why so many people are obese!).. you, my dear have been spending your time in the wrong places!!

  18. yer but we make good milk

  19. you leave IRELAND ALONE we love it the way it is  so there

  20. Maybe you should go to Ireland in Summer next time.........dont hate it cuz da weather is unpredictable! ") x

  21. Yea and in America the place is melting half the time

    It's expensive, the food is too big and you have to drive to any see any scenery

    You can do that to any country you know list all the problems

    (I chose America because it's a power full country that has a huge tourist income)

    But listing all the surface problems doesn't stop them from being beautiful places to vist and see

    Are really Irish? Cause you really seem to hate it

    maybe you should leave

  22. well as for the weather part, people that live there must like the cold rain, just like people that live in hawaii like the heat and sun.

    As for the prices, its practically the same all over europe because of the change to Euros.

    I thought that the ring of kerry was beautiful and the cliffs of moher was amazing, and the weather was fine (sunny with clouds.)

    I thought the food was delicious! Especially the curry, I found that everywhere on every menu!

    irish people are really like the most fun, genuine, friendly, welcoming people. i love them!

    so i had a good experience when i was there.

  23. Please tell us what you really think.  Wow,  It doesn't sound like you are going to be going back to Ireland soon!

  24. We have a moderate climate , that is it is never too hot in summer that its uncomfortable and it is never too cold in winter that it would kill you.

    We also have no chances of any natural disasters, there are no animals that will kill you, the food is definatly not mediocre, as we have a food quality system that the brits are envious of , at least eating a burger here wont give you mad cow disease, and i have tasted food in the us and uk not as good as home due to our aluvial loam soils caused by glaciation, which are perfect.

    Please give up your irish passport and move away we are probably better off without you anyway. Have you ever thought that you might be the problem and not ireland???

  25. when we scottish and irish go on holiday we can't wait to get off that flight so we can feel the wind and the rain on our faces, It makes us who we are tough as nails as we can deal with the weather this includes the winter months, when it snows we still get on with our lives as we can adapt  to it.

    But if it snows in england it makes the 6 o'clock news "SNOW BRINGS ENGLAND TO STAND STILL"

    (The english road authority should come here and learn how to keep  the roads open)

    That's why the scottish and the irish have always have a smile on our faces as it's funny to see the tourists freezing their asses off and paying £2.50 for a coffee to heat up.

    You pay for the history and culture and the warm welcome that you will get and that you can't put a price on.

  26. I heard it best this way.

    "Ireland is the best place to visit to see a reflection of yourself."

    If you think the place sucks, I wouldn't want to hang around you.

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