
Why do people say Macs are good for graphic design?

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I just bought a macbook like 2 months ago, and I still can't figure out why people say it's good for graphic design... don't get me wrong, i really like it, but how is it different from using a sony or something for that type of stuff?




  1. I agree with the above. Although today (for different reasons) macs might be preferable with some because they have good file manipulation and organization; this is especially key for photos. But mostly it's for tradition because the PC is just as good (also, on average, macs have faster processors which is something you can expect for paying more).  

  2. Actually... It's because Macs have colour management built into the core OS. The screen calibration utility is miles better than the PC versions that are out there, and for external displays there are usually ICC profiles available.  Using a Mac, I can be *much* more sure that the colours I design in on the screen, are the same as the colours that I output to the web and that i get back from our printers. On a PC... it's pretty much hit and miss... even with hardware calibration...

  3. It's not. Macs were admittedly better long ago, when PCs primarily used monochrome displays in a boring 85 by 60 text mode. Macs back then had a nice and clear (though grayscale) display. By the time Macs were good enough for color displays, the PC architecture had mostly caught up. The reason for Macs still being used in that field is that people were too lazy / dumb / whatever to bother switching.

  4. They used to be slightly better than PC's (back in the 80's) but now even Mac Book's are using the same hardware as PCs.  Thinking that Mac is better at anything a PC can do is a myth.

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