
Why do people say Socialism is bad?

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Socialism just means that people on the bottom have a chance to get on top(or at least in the middle)

Capitalism just means that people on the bottom stay on the bottom and people in the middle stay in the middle

especially what we are seeing in America which isnt even really capitalism, it is probably one of the most immoral governments in the world, the richer you are and the more stock and companies you own, the more tax breaks you get, does that seem fair?

Socialism is the only thing that works, I dont understand why people bash it, Communism sucks but that is even more moral then the system that is currently in the US




  1. It's mostly people whom capitalism works very well for who protest socialism...

    I am among the huddled masses who are growing increasingly skeptical of capitalism in the USA.

  2. You're wrong and your explanations are WAY off.

    Socialism works in a society where nobody is interested in bettering themselves. Do you know of any?

    Capitalism works when people WANT to be better off and are willing to work to make it happen.

    This nation has been built on capitalism and has been made strong by it.  Socialist ideals have been failures.

  3. Socialism means that nobody is at the top, except for the one stealing from one person to give to the other person.  It makes people reliant on others and the more you rely on someone or something else (like a government) the more they can take away.

  4.   If Capitolism means you cannot advance to the top, then how did Bill Clinton do it?  He wasn't some rich kid, neither was Obama, now both are rich and powerful.  

      Look at Andrew Carnigie, he started off as a poor immigrant.

      Socialism does not allow people to be successful, what it does is punish success.  

      Those rich bussiness owners who you claim get tax breaks are the same guys who are the reason so many Americans have jobs (big business needs workers) and guess what, if you want to make a profit, you need good workers.  In a capitolistic economy, you get what you pay for, so the guy who offers the best wages and benefits gets the best workers, if the competition wants to keep up, THEY will match or supercede what the other guy offers.  

    In a socialist society, the more you make the more you are taxed, so why strive to be the best, why make things that are new and improved?  The best thing to do is be mediocre.  How does that improve the quality of life for anybody?

      In a socialist state, over half of what you earned goes to taxes to pay for someone else's expenses.

       Want to see what socialism does?  Look at any housing project.  When there is no incentive to improve, people won't.

      US as an Immoral government?  THE MOST?  ROTFL!!!  You think the UK is moral?  Look at what they did to Northern Ireland, how can you say that we are more immoral than a country that pays MILLIONS to royalty that are nothing more than a symbol when they have so much poverty?

      You think Cuba has better morals?  Call Castro a moron in public, like many say about Bush, and see what happens.

      Have you ever been to Mexico?  Where giving a cop a bribe is considered normal way of doing things?   As poverty stricken as they are, where does all of their oil revenue go?  Not to the poor!!!



  5. There is nothing wrong with capitalism the problem is when capitalist have so much the incentive is to get more money, not goods and services.They keep the money instead of investing,so the trickle down stops,I think that is what has happened.It's more profitable to have a more than healthy bank account or assets,than actual investments,in goods and service that create jobs and a healthy economy.Money for money's sake is nothing,you have to use it to get more to make more,to get growth.Socialism is not bad of itself but like the other it has to have incentives,to improve,to move forward,to be more.Problem with that is,if you give too much or the wrong things there is no incentive to grow,you end up taking but not putting back.We all fear this,but there are just times when something in the middle has to be made so that the bottom can get past or up to the middle that's why we have so many poor,they simply can not get to the middle,and at this point in time with the way we go about it,there also is no incentive to move up when all they need is at the bottom.So instead of finding real ways to make it all work for everyone we just gripe about how lazy they are and forget them,which brings us right back to the capitalist,who don't want to take their share of the blame.They just find ways of taking more from the middle.That type of society will fail eventually.We have already started on the downfall.Notice the gap between the really poor and middle class which the middle is slowly disappearing into the poorer class.

  6. because they only look at it in the extemes... Communism...

    while capitalism in the extremes is just as horrible (total free market with no regulation)... the industrial revolution was so bad, that's where the idea of communism came from...

    extremists brand the other side with extreme ideas... even if the ideas they support aren't extreme... like calling Obama a communist, when he's more conservative than most of Europe... which isn't totally socialist...

  7. My grandfather is a staunch Conservative.

    I asked him not too long ago why he feared Socialism.

    His response;

    "Hitler was for Socialism"

    Hitler used the word "socialism" to move forward in Germany.

    His real political identity, however, is Fascist.

    Somehow, I still think that this has a lot to do with it.

    That, and the fact that Reagan preached on the "greatness of Capitalism".

    Mind you that the values of Capitalism and the values of an independent Democracy are totally different.

  8. because it got such bad propaganda during the cold war that it is easy to bash without any facts.  The truth is we are capitalist and socialist and we are more capitalist then europe.  The question should be do we want to move our government towards the rest of the developed nations or keep it setup like the third world.

  9. There is no top with socialism. As a matter of fact, taken even a little too far, it gives disincentives to production, so the middle shifts downwards. While rags-to-riches stories don't happen often, capitalism offers the possibility.

    Tax breaks, by the way, aren't doing the rich some special favors. They're a way to get the rich to do with their money what the government wants, and do it more efficiently than the government can do itself.

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