
Why do people say anything is possible, don't we all have limitations?

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Why do people say anything is possible, don't we all have limitations?




  1. What man's mind can conceive, man's mind can achieve.

  2. One of those motivational things that are better off not being too closely examined.

    We do all have limitations, even with perfectly normal bodies and IQs.

    Its like "No Child Left Behind", well, some of them are going to be left behind, not all children are equally capable no matter how good the teacher is at her job.

    It almost seems a set up to me for living with failure, you never quite achieve satisfaction because there is always more to achieve.  Type A personality personified.

    Its a very sad thing really to drive yourself constantly.

    Makes you wonder if satisfaction isn't looked upon as a bit of a sin here.

  3. i think the value of this statement lies in the fact that you don't know what those limitation are until you face them and many limitations can be overcome with desire, hard work, commitment and sacrifice. i think this statement means "go for it"-you'll never know until you try.

    Also, i beleve it implies anything within reason-there are degrees of things. you may not reach the top, but you can probably make a dent.

  4. slam a revolving door...

  5. Yes, we all have limitations, but many of these limitations can be changed.

    Anything is possible is a shorter way to say "you might not succeed but it still makes more sense to try because you don't know what you can not do until you have tried doing it."

    You can not fly - not everything is possible

    but you can lift more than you thought, you can run faster than you thought, you can be mentally stronger than you thought, you can achieve more than you thought, because anything is possible. If you make it so.

  6. its jus sweet talk sth

  7. There's a difference between everything is possible and everything is probable.

  8. No we dont have limitations as long as we dont cross rational thinking... i mean u cant say i want to fly caus this is logically impossible but u can dream and accomplish anything that is within ur logical circle

  9. we only have a limitation when we stop believing we can do it.

  10. Why do people say anything is possible, don't we all have limitations? it means that u can't predict what the future might hold, ex:  Obama's childhood friends, the one that he smoked with at the time, really thought that they were smoking with the future  US presidential hopeful. it has nothing to do with limitations or infinity, not even destiny

  11. Because everything is possible, unless you make your own limitations but if you don't, then every thing is truly possible.

    Thanks for asking

  12. If GWB can get elected President with his limitations certainly almost anything is possible.

  13. Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure it's real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between what's real and not?

    My simple answer is faith; quoted from the Matrix which resembles close to daily perception.

    You limit your limitations.

  14. Exactly. This annoys me.

    I cannot run well. I suck at running. I always have and I always will. My NCO would constantly say "You can do it if you put your mind to it."

    No, I can't. So I asked him "Could you climb to the top of Mt. Everest next week? Just by virtue of believing you can?" He said of course he could. He's an idiot. He doesn't even handle ruck marches all that well nor does he like snow.

  15. Yes, and when I have that conversation with my 9th graders, some are offended (and so are some parents).  I told one parent that it's like telling a child that Santa Claus exists and insisting it's true until the child actually catches you in a lie and finds out the parents are liars.  Parents need to explain personal limitations to children about the time they hit high school because at some point, almost everyone is going to hit a spot where they do not succeed.  I don't know how many times kids (and parents) have come to me and said, "I've never had anything lower than a "A" before.  Why did you "give me" a "C"?  To which I have to reply, "It's what you earned."  Most kids and parents aren't ready to hear that, but at some point, it becomes true.  Kids have to learn that at some point, they have to put forth more effort (i.e. WORK) for what they want.  Their parents don't warn them about that roadblock.

  16. Everyone does have limitations, but anything is possible as you don't know what your limit is until you get to it. So not trying at all only means you will never know how far you could have went.

  17. People who say that are silly hearts.  The only thing that isn't possible is the impossible!

  18. It is like this bumper sticker I read, those who say anything is possible never tried slamming an automatic door. Yes, we do have limitations, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to do the best we can with whatever gifts we have. I don't care what anyone says, some people are naturals, everything falls in place and comes easily, and others try and try only to find themselves right back where they started from even though they put tens times more effort into what they were doing and they still fail to make the grade. Some are lucky, some are gifted, and some will spend their entire life running in place. That is the truth of the matter. ;-)

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