
Why do people say evolution is a fact?

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I mean people ask why we don't see evolution today and you get these answer's like, we see it, just look at bacteria evolving into a trilobite I mean into,wait a minute,BACTERIA. My favourite one, it takes millions of years so you can't see it happen. Is everything supposed to evolve at the same time? Are all the species the same age? Why is it that we don't see species evolve into new species at the present day?




  1. Good point. Actually the bacterial resistance that everyone talks about is actually a loss of information. This is all that random point mutations account for. Losses in information and specificity. The ribosomes of the bacteria is damaged because of the mutation. They do not produce proteins nearly as well as normal ones can. Because of the damage, the antibody cannot adhere. The bacteria lives but it is weaker and as soon as the antibodies disappear the bacteria dies out to un-mutated more fit ones. This loss of information could hardly count for the millions and billions of beneficial mutations that it would be needed to create all the life in the biosphere. With the great need for beneficial mutations you think we could find one.

    Think about how a caterpillar could evolve to form a cocoon and dissolve its entire body. Then form a new body with all new parts and instincts and come out and function first try. How would random single point mutations take a creature through this incredibly dangerous journey one random nucleotide change at a time.

    The fact of what happened with life is that in the beginning God created all animals in their basic form. These animals were incredibly rich with DNA that was capable of variation. The variation is not random mutations but it is a carefully controlled process of cutting and pasting genes in and out of use. With the ability to express different characteristics these animals could adapt to extreme enviroments. A steady state creature never could. I could do well in one enviroment but when that enviroment changes it would die. A generic type creature could do marginal in many environments but not to well in any one peticular. With God's forsight He designed them to be able to switch and swap specialized characteristics and adapt to extreme enviroments. This is all the observable science shows us. Clear cut, fully formed, basic kinds of animals experiencing a limited variation through gene expression. There is information lost in cases of seperation and extreme variation like in the wolf and the chihuahua. Remember though, they are both the basic dog kind. A wolf is rich in genes, it could make a chihuahua. A chihuahua is shallow in genes. It could never make a wolf nor could it develope wings or bioluminescence nor feathers. The information is not avalible. Information cannot be made through random means. Time does not help the problem either. It only increases the destruction to the 10,000 existing needed systems and parts long before it will ever create a new organ or system. Unless you want to envoke a miracle.

    This is the observable, testable, repeatable, mathematically proveable evidence. Abiogenesis is impossible as well. If you want to believe life spontaneously generated or that one basic kind of animal turned into another one that is not science that is your religion. Its called Naturalism and Humanism. Me, I will trust Jesus Christ to save me from my punishment for my 28 years of rebellion against God where I did every evil act under the sun.

  2. Here we are, made of millions of cells.  You know how you came to be here.  Your parents reproduced.  Now, use what we know to look back thousands of generations in the past, what do you think happened?

    1. We came from single cells originally, and changed a little bit at a time, constantly reproducing, becoming communal, then multi-cellular.


    2.  There was some special creation event totally unlike anything we see now.

  3. Because it is a fact!

  4. Evolution is a fact in the way that gravity is a fact.  It can be observed.  Note the changes in an allele between generations -- that is evolution.  There is no "all at once".  Those who say you cannot see evolution are ignorant at best, but frequently dishonest, as shown by the "learned" responders who turned to the flagrantly false attacks on evolution.

    Numerous speciation processes are being observed at the moment.  From E. coli generating new genes that enable them to ferment citric acid (despite the assertion that it has never been observed, it has been) to populations of lizards isolated on islands to ring species to the transition of the hawthorn fly to the apple maggot (along with the speciation of the wasps that prey on them into two species), the process is observed.

  5. you see it, you just choose not too.

    the flu shot

    sickle cell anemia

    lactose tolerance


    drug resistant disease like Tuberculosis.

    selective breeding of dogs, cats, horses and plants is basically controlled evolution

    and basically you would have to prove half of science wrong including Einstein to just say the earth/universe is 10,000 years old.  

    Almost as much to prove the age of the fossil record wrong and humans like fossil don't show up in 99.5% of the geological record.

    So either evolution or Scientology.

    I'm pretty sure it's evolution between the two.

  6. Evolution is a fact in the same fashion as gravity is a fact. Neither fact is in question. What is theory, is the exact mechanism by which these two elements of nature actually operate.

    See: Evolution as theory and fact

    Is Evolution a Theory, a Fact, or a Law?


  7. sir that said dinosaur bones...most were killed off by a meteor they expect hit millions of years ago, and the rest slowly died off after. evolution is extremely slow and I expect that not all species are evolving at the moment. They do know the human brain is continually becomming more complex, and studies have been proven with major changes within the past 100 years of skulls

    oh and "lucy" the 4 million year old half human half monkey

  8. Well, first it is taught as fact (in error if you ask me) because it is the "best fitting theory." The evidence does, in fact, show evidence of evolution. Evolution is a product of natural selection, the process in which some attributes are kept and others lost to survive more efficiently in a habitat. This can be shown in places like the Galapagos Islands where the fossils found there are identical to the ones found on the mainland of South America but the current species are different. On these islands they are adapted to better survive (ie. stronger, shorter beaks to break nuts open).

    I do believe in this process, however it seems foolish to think that we all came from bacteria which consists of only a few chromosomes and a small strand of DNA. As far as I know, there is no reason for an increase in base pairs or the sudden emergence of characteristics that simply did not exist before (ie. a bacteria grows a nose?). Thus, I don't believe humans evolved from apes nor that all live evolved from single-celled organisms.

    As for your question about why we don't see this today, we do in ways. For example, we cross-bred corn species to resist bugs, disease and taste good. This is actually more of an "unnatural selection" but they were adapted in the same way. In other cases, there just isn't the need for change. Things are properly suited to their habitat.  

  9. i am completely against evolution. it has many flaws and its just a guess with evidence that led to it. theirs a huge possibility that it's wrong and it doesn't give strong hard evidence.

    anyway, when things "evolve", they take thousands of years. but some insects have evolve in the pass 100 years to better fit in our polluted environment.  most things don't evolve because we humans mess with them.

  10. because it does take hundreds of thousands of years to see any effects. you wont see them in daily life. You have to compare species today to species of the past to realize theres a difference. We are constantly evolving. Age has nothing to do with evolution.

  11. > "why do people say evolution is a fact?"

    ... because it is!

    "Evolution" means "change", and in a biological context it means "a change in the frequency of alleles in a population of organisms with time".

    This can be trivially observed: antibiotic resistant bacteria, the new 'flu virus every year, industrial melanism of the peppered moth (where black variants become more common in polluted areas, because of their camouflage advantage over pale ones), etc.

    > "it takes millions of years so you can't see it happen."

    This is true of larger, more slowly-reproducing organisms like humans. Evolution of more rapidly-reproducing organisms like bacteria can be observed just fine.

    > "Is everything supposed to evolve at the same time?"

    Yes - but not at the same RATE!

    > "Are all the species the same age?"

    No. Some species evolved recently (like humans), while others have been around for a very long time (like the coelacanth).

    > "Why is it that we don't see species evolve into new species at the present day?"

    We can. It is not observed as frequently as smaller-scale changes, but it has been seen.

    Some examples include:

    - two populations of the same species of fruitfly becoming unable to interbreed (a genuine speciation event).

    - diversification of Cichlid fishes in African lakes.

    - Primula kewensis, a new species that arose by a chromosomal doubling in a sterile hybrid of two different species of primrose. It was capable of breeding with itself, but not with their of the two parent species.

    - the development of the ability to metabolise citrate in a population of E. coli; it is a *defining* characteristic of the spcies E. coli that it cannot metabolise citrate - but a laboratory population studied over 12 years in a long-term evolution study has developed the ability to. This required at least three seperate mutations, and the researchers have mapped-out where and when those mutations occurred.

    For more examples and detail - see the attached pages.

  12. Evolution is not fact, its a theory, period.  People who believe in evolution are taking it as truth based on faith.  There are tons of missing links and many things that were taught as supporting evidence for evolution were discovered to be false, just do some research.  To truly accept evolution means we have no purpose on this planet.  We are simply born to die.  Were did emotions come from? Morals and values? Evolution will never be able to explain that because evolution isn't true.

    To answer your questions.  Species evolve within species (micro evolution), but never ever has anyone seen a species evolve into a entirely new species (macro evolution), ever.  I would have to say yes all species are the same age because they were all created at the same time.  And the reason why we don't see species evolve into different species in present day is because that never will happen and never has.

    If there is such thing as macro evolution, like that we came from chimps, then why are there stills chimps around, if there is such a thing as natural selection then why didn't all chimps turn to humans??  

  13. Dinosaur bones

  14. First, I think you should read my first two sources. They explain why evolution is a fact and a theory.

    It is a fact that populations change (even genetically) as time passes. This has been observed.

    It is a fact that speciation occurs, as it too, has been observed. (see third source)

    It is a fact that whales breathe air (and can actually drown even though they live in the water), and that they have hip bones (even though most creatures that live in the water do not). It is also a fact that we have found fossils of animals that look very similar to a whale, but lived on the land and water. (see fourth source)

    It is a fact that we have found skulls that look sort of like a human, and sort of like a chimpanzee, but is clearly neither; and that this creature is not alive today.

    It is a fact that velociraptors had quill k***s. (No creature has quill k***s that does not have feathers.)

    It is a fact that there is a creature that is alive to day called a "Lungfish." (see fifth source)

    There are MANY other facts.

    The theory of evolution explains those facts. It is possible that the theory is not completely 100 percent correct. But the current theory we have does a good job of explaining the above facts. There is practically no chance that the theory is completely wrong.

    Creationism and intelligent design do not explain these facts.

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