
Why do people say global warming is a myth?

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Dont you think they should take their heads out of their asses and think that there is a lot of evidence to support it and even if they think it might be caused by something else they should RECOGNISE it and be worried about it. If I hear anything about a potential threat to my children and their future children of course I will take it seriously. Do people just deny global warming because they want to keep burning up the atmosphere without guilt? Why do they do it? I think it is selfish not to be concerned for the future, even if it IS a myth (I don't believe it is) then shouldnt you be concerned for the future of the planet anyway and notice that all the action being taken against climate change must be a benefit to the earth?




  1. interesting i DONT believe in global warming but this does not mean i would ever ignore any threat to my children (which i dont actualy have) or anybody eles...

    but i ask you this exatly how is global warming a direct threat to your children? you can say about cancers but that is one of the most look into health problems ever and im convinced that a cure will be found and even if its not sun cream does exsist you know just teach them that they MUST wear it if your that concerned...

    secondly is food and this is much more a problem but if we stop using fossil fuels we can say goodbye to tractors and the like and there would be a massive food shortage anyway

    the only real threat to our children is their life style and thats gonna change if we try to stop global warming or not... as buisnesses will slowly start using renewables as they become more economicly viable. recycling will become more widespread as plastics mainly come from oil

    and anyone that wants to talk about sea levels rising flood barriers do exsist and will be put in place but in the future we may just deside to build up hills...

    this is a problem that has been blown out of proportions weather its real or not there really is no denying that....

  2. Because Global Dimming is the real problem.

  3. Global warming is not a myth.

    That man is causing it is a myth.

    Climate has never been static. It goes through warming and cooling periods and has for a very long time. We went through a cooling period from the 50s through mid 70s - and just like there are GW alarmists today, there were global cooling alarmists then - you should read some of the newspapers from then.

    Clouds deflect heat away from the planet.

    Cosmic rays play a fundamental part in the formation of clouds.

    Solar wind deflects cosmic rays.

    When the sun goes through periods of more activity - the solar wind is stronger which results in more cosmic rays being deflected which results in less clouds which results in a warmer planet.

    The ocean both absorbs and releases carbon dioxide. During warmer periods, it releases more carbon dioxide (the oceans right now exhaust far more CO2 than we do) and during cooler periods, it releases less carbon dioxide.

    So yes - there is a correlation between CO2 and the mean temperature of the planet. But it is the warming and cooling that effects the CO2 levels, not the other way around as the alarmists like to try and make us think.

  4. I have observed that people prefer to believe they are in control of change. A simple turn of a dial, or push of a directional arrow on the remote, and change is decided. That is one comparison which technology provides, apparently people choose to believe will solve any issue. It will not resolve the mind's ability to believe persuasive opinions. And the more one listens to the paid opinions of others, doing less research oneself, the more likely to adhere to the corporate agenda, accept the propaganda, reject the painful truth.

  5. Because most educated people, that have no political or monitary agenda know it to be so.

    John Coleman (founder the weather channel) says it best... long read, but worth it.


  6. I think the only way we can help global warming is by globally making certain things illegal like the use of toxic chemicals, wastage of water and electricity and it should be made mandatory to plant the trees that repair the ozone layer ( I dunno the name but I read about it somewhere) and to have at least 5 plants at your home. Unless law steps in, no one will stop.

  7. There's an expression 'ignorance is bliss'. This is my main explanation for why people are in denial about AGW. They're just afraid. Afraid somebody will tell them they can't drive their Hummer anymore. Afraid the government will enact a carbon tax. Afraid they'll have to take some responsibility for their environmental impact.

    Rather than face this fear, they go into denial. They ignore the science, stick their fingers in their ears and yell 'I can't hear you la la la la!'. It's a very comfortable feeling pretending that nothing is wrong with the world.

    Of course the problem with denial is that it doesn't make the problem go away. Children who are afraid of AGW have every reason to be. They're undoubtedly more educated on the subject that global warming deniers, because the deniers refuse to learn. But as the planet continues to warm, the consequences will simply get worse and worse. Ignoring them may make people feel better in the short-term, but they'll pay for their denial in the long run.

  8. The climate change lobby is not about advancing science in general, only the science that supports their political ideas.

    There is a section of the IPCC that evaluates the 'science' of global warming and if they were to say humans aren't affecting the climate then the entire organisation would have no purpose.  Even so, the strongest language they can use is that humans are most probably having a significant effect on the climate.  

    If we were to stop using fossil fuels, we should do so based on real science - not junk science.

  9. All i can speak for is my little corner of the world. I have been on this earth since 1962. The part of the USA i live in i have been here since that time. All this time i have been here it is just as cold in the winter as it was when i was 5 years old as it is now. Same with the summers. Just as hot, Just as humid as it was 40 years ago. I don't deny   that there is something going on with the polar ice caps. I am just not sure that it is global warming that's causing it. I have also heard that cows farting in the field is causing the ozone to deplete. Not to sure i believe that either

  10. check this out

  11. Here's something I like to remind myself periodically: by definition, 50% of all people are of below-average intelligence.  When you look at the world this way, it explains a lot.  Such as, for instance, why people refuse to believe scientists with PhDs in climatology, but DO listen to what TV preachers tell them.

  12. their dumb dumbs ... that's why......

  13. Because all the time we was manipulated by mass-media, and beside this we feel outside the fresh air anywhere outside the city, and for me doesn't seem that something is changing regarding the fresh air. What about Universe changing and what about Sun life? Does we affect the Sun life? No because we are so small and the universe is so big that we can't change anything. The truth is that global warming is happen but not because of us, but because of normal nature continue changing. In this way some "clever" persons try to earn some money from stupid people using the normal climate changing.

  14. The problem is that people advance only one view for its cause and hence the disagreements. Make an earth model and try and quantify the effects of mining taking into account the "hot" earth's core and you will see what I mean.

  15. Because it is.

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