
Why do people say hockey is a white mans sport? I don't like that?

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Ok, I'm a white guy from the suburbs of Detroit. However, I think that sports is something that everyone should be able to get the opportunity to play. Why do white people and black people say that it's a white man's game. I know that if more black children are brought up playing the sport, than there would be more black people playing. What is your opinion on why there are few blacks in the NHL?




  1. I don't think that it has as much to do with the color of a person's skin, but rather the cost of playing the sport. Basketball and baseball are both relatively cheap sports to play, basketball all you need is a ball and baseball all you need is a ball, bat(one bat for everyone will work so it just one less expense), and a glove. Football is actually an expensive sport to play also, but I think most schools buy the equipment so all the students have to do is play. Hockey equipment costs alot of money and since it is alot less mainstream, you don't see many schools having programs unless they are rich prep schools.  

  2. I think my opinion is because many children grow up and use what they were taught. Most blacks are interested in basketball or american football. So, they don't want to do hockey. They don't find it interesting as some younger white children do. But, if more blacks seem to like it, all power to them. Sports are open to everyone. Just like how people say that basketball is a black man's game. Yet, we see some white men play in the NBA. Not many, but some. I hope I answered your question correctly.

  3. Everybody can play hockey. And a guy like P.K subban is a good example. black, latinos ( Gomez) they can be as good as crosby if they want to.

  4. It's because places where Hockey is the most accessible are areas where populations are generally white. Also, there's the fact that sports like Basketball and Football are pushed more as a "black man's sport" and are more accessible to people all around the world.

    Not to mention Hockey isn't very popular in the United States (which has a larger black community than traditional hockey markets) so there is less racial diversity that is exposed to the sport than any of the 3 major sports in America.

  5. its only its a prodominetly a white persons game, but look at jerome iginla and laraque, ones good at scoring and the other is good at intimidation.. they are both very good players

  6. Hockey originated from french Canadians.  

  7. There are few blacks in the NHL because few blacks grow up saying i want to play hockey, they are more inspired by basketball, and considering that america has 10 times the amount of people than canada, and black people have the reputation in america to go into basketball or football, some baseball, and also the minority populations are much higher in density in urban areas, which you find a basketball cort,a soccer feild or a baseball feild, so its not the nhls fault, its just that most black or hispanic people are not influenced by the game, whether by lack of equipment or not finding a place to play.  

  8. Hockey takes the most talent of any sport.  You have to skate, shoot backhand, forehand, wrist, slap, snap, slap.  You have to be able to hit/receive a hit.  Skating backwards is an art in itself.  Hockey is the opposite of jumping in the air and putting a ball in a hoop.  Blacks are made to be athletes but they usually aren't put into the skilled roles, i.e. Pitching in baseball or Quarterback in Football.  

  9. Cost. It's a very expensive sport with equipment and ice time, and face it, in the US ether is a social stratification. The majority of the poor in this country are black. Other sports are a lot cheaper- basketball being the big one.

    And so on. Sorry for the short answer but there have been other questions lie this and I don't feel like going on today.

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