
Why do people say it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight?

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why do people say it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight? it doesnt make any sense ..doesnt it take a bigger man to stand thier ground??




  1. A bigger man can stand his ground without resorting to physical violence.

  2. A bigger person knows fighting doesn't solve anything.  Men are bigger for walking away from a fight.

  3. Your right. It takes something to happen for people to learn

  4. people who get worked up and angry and start a fight are just pathetic.

    the only good reasons to fight are a very last resort, or to protect your loved ones.

  5. sure you should not use violence as a means of accomplishing your goals but if somebody wants to be a real hardass then there may be only one way to communicate with them; open a can of whoopass and poor it on them!

  6. Do you know how hard it is NOT to hit someone when they make you mad?

    It is a very hard thing to do, to show mercy in the face of anger and when all indicators point to the other as the guilty party.

    Benevolence, mercy, and forgiveness are very hard to do - look at all the relationships being destroyed as I type this because one person can not and can never forgive another. Forgiveness for some people is totally impossible - so for one man to show benevolence and mercy to another rather than pound the other's face in the pavement is a sign of a man whose heart is truly bigger than his ego. True power is in the ability to give life to another when one has the capability to destroy such life.

  7. Im trying to dodge the liberal landmines depends on your enemy. It's nice and noble to walk away....but in some cases you're facing an enemy that is just as happy shooting you in the back,so walking away dosent exactly slow down his assault on the next person does it?

  8. I know what your saying, but here is the flip side. To swing your fists around takes very little thought and skill, unless one is a fighter by trade. To use a diplomatic means to end the trouble takes more intelligence and strength. It is instinct to pound and skill to negotiate. Would you want to hang out with someone who was always fighting?

    Also, if one is a big guy and knows how to fight, it takes more to just turn around and not pound the a*****e in front of you.

    If the other huy won't quit, as you say, I would still try to walk away. By that time, I'm not noble, I'm thinking culpability. I would turn my back and if he touched me, that would be it. I might even let him push me. But if he strikes me while my back is turned, he exposes himself as a coward and a cheap shot artist and no one will blame me for the the hurting I'm about to deliver. I was struck first, with my back turned, so I did what I know how to do , officer.

    Joe F, we know it is you thumbs-downing everyone. I also think your missing the point. Weapons in the mix makes a whole different scenario. I suppose your a tough guy who pounds everyone who disagrees with you?

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