
Why do people say marijuana is so bad?

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Theres not one scientific study that shows that smoking marijuana alone causes cancer, or any kind of lung complications

It's also not linked with any sort of violent behavior or anything

yeah it gets you high..

and alcohol gets you drunk

but thats legal!




  1. because they say it's a "gateway" drug that will lead you down a path to hard drug use.  

    I don't care.  I think drugs should be legalized.  It help with prison over crowding, and I don't see how it's any worse than some idiot driving drunk.    

  2. To be honest I don't think weed is as bad as some people make out, but like alcohol and tobacco, you have to be careful and aware of its harmful effects, and take it in moderation. I've seen it affect some of my friends in a bad way, for example they smoke it every day and halfway through a conversation they'll forget what they were talking about. But it's the same with alcohol, if you have too much it messes up your brain. I wouldn't advocate smoking weed every day, but as an occasional treat it's fine.

  3. MJ actually will give you cancer, destroy your brain much faster, and leads to other drugs. Its good for skinny people that dont eat cause makes them hungry lol. just kidding........But seriously its bad if you do it on a regular basis. Once in a great while its meh. My friend got messed up cause he did it all the time. Basically he has no future......he was expelled from school......I myself still is in school. never done any drugs. But truly I dont care what other people do its their choice. Unless I truly care about them then I will make them stop. Also I bet you smoke it right? ALSO everyone reacts to it differently.  

  4. There is some debate as to whether it damages brain cells.

    From my personal experience i would say that it does because a good friend of mine got hooked on Cannabis and now his life is going nowhere; he looks awful and can't contribute to intelligent conversation. He is just permanently high because the Cannabis is so addictive (for some people).

    Alcohol was illegal for a time in America but it didn't work out:

    And smoking was considered fashionable in the old days so that's why they legalized that too. If the government tried to ban smoking now it would be unfair to the smokers. Marijuana is fairly modern to society (well at least to civilized society - i'm sure tribes in plases like the Amazon it would be OK). My point is, if they had invented/ discovered Alcochol and Tobacco yesterday it would be banned today, but because Marijuana is fairly new it's okay to ban.

    But for me, even if it was legalized i wouldn't smoke it :)

  5. Marijuana does has some effect on the brain cells...and I believe it can be addictive. Just my opinion though.



    Short-term effects of marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety.

    Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations.Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.

    As far as it being legalized...I guess it never will be...because people who sell marijuana make too much money off of it. We will make them into millionares!!

  6. it kills off your brain cells, and makes you stupider the more u smoke it.  

  7. It actually is legalized in certain states such as california where you can get it with a doctors note. Alcohol was illegal for a small amount of time. Also weed is a gateway to other drugs in alot of cases. Certain types of people with dependency disorders "also depend on alcohol in certain cases" will make weed or other substances their life. This may not be the case with alot of people who smoke weed but this happens a lot. Kids still get weed though. And it isn't that it causes cancer it is just that one blunt = 7 cigarettes. And Ciggerettes are linked to lung cancer. Also your brain still is developing to like 22 so smoking it before than really can damage your brain like cigarettes. In the case if ciggarettes they thing by illegalizing it untill a certain age it will keep less people from becoming dependent on nicotine and will keep less people from being peer presured into smoking. Plus the money spent on ciggarettes can be spent on our falling economy which we need a lot of help with. With weed it is just a dependency issue.  

  8. No one I know says it's bad.

    It does slow down reaction time though.

  9. For one, it cuts down on the development of s*x hormones - so men become for effeminate and women become more masculine.

    It is physically and psychologically addictive.

    It cuts the motivation of the user to the point of not having the willingness to start or do much of anything but smoke more.

    The smoke IS a known carcinogen - and a quick Google search will show the study results.

    Don't bring alcohol into the debate, as that is a totally different argument - stick to one topic at a time.

  10. Anything that impedes ones judgment carries with it

    a certain risk, of course if your willing to accept the

    consequences of that risk then all that's left is your

    right of choice to either do it or not, if you can live

    with it then it's not about good or bad or what people

    might say, that sounds like the issue at hand, but

    more like you resenting there should even be any

    stigma attached to it in the first place . . .


    If you were gonna baby sit an infant obviously

    feeding the baby wouldn't be an issue of harm,

    can you honestly say the same thing if you

    were to do it stoned to the gills, need i say

    more? ok i will, what if you were a working

    single mom. would you want a pot head

    watching your baby? . . .

  11. because they dont have any friends they can go out with to actually smoke it

  12. That's a good ****** question.... why are cigarettes bad but yet legal? weed doesn't do anything but make you feel good for a while. Cigarettes, that **** gives you cancer its ****** rat poison, why the **** do they sell us this ****? **** our government. Support our ****** troops.  

  13. It might not be as bad as things like nicotine or alcohol, but it's still bad. Using it is still putting something into your body that doesn't belong there. Is it really that hard to figure out?

  14. marijuana's bad just because

    im not trying to sound like a pansy,

    but i stopped smoking because it was ******* my health up

    it weakens your lungs and endurance hella

  15. I personally think alcohol is much worse for you. I've seen what it does, particularly to parents of some of my friends, who have been drinking for decades.

    I guess smoking pot every day, all the time is not good, just like anything is not good when one overdoes it. Still, I'd take pot over booze any day.

    Alcohol is pretty much allowed because it generates a huge tax possibility for governments all over the world. It'll stay legal for a long time to come.

  16. Well, I guess it's "bad" because it's illegal.

    But I do like the above the influence commercials - their main point is that some people who do weed become so consumed in it that they completely forsake the rest of their lives.

    And knowing the lives of some of the people in my school that do marijuana on a regular basis, they are EXACTLY like that. They cannot think about anything else except how much weed they did, when they're going to do it next, or anything else weed related. It's the only thing they CARE about.

    So while it may not be bad for your health, per se, it's definitely no way to live.

    Of course, not everyone that has ever done weed is like this and if you choose to do weed it doesn't mean you WILL end up like that but... Weed is addictive. The feeling of the high is addictive. So why take a chance? That's my opinion. :)

  17. I wish alcohol was illegal but the last time that law was inforced there was total chaos, don't you read history books? And anyway marijuana is addictive, it's a gateway to other drugs, it kills brain cells and it lowers sperm count. So if you like marijuana then you are a total idiot.

  18. its ILLEGAL THATS WHY!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Marijuana may not be linked to cancer, lung disease, or violent behavior. However, it has been proven that Marijuana is a gateway drug. Majority of people who have tried "hard" drugs started with Marijuana. Furthermore, it's a mind altering substance and depending on the "grade" of the product can produce hallucinations, etc.  

  20. it is a gateway to other drugs

  21. it should be legal.  but it WILL make you a lazy, slow person.  is it a coincidence that the baby boomers who turned hippy are all on prozac and xanex now? if you wanna get high, go to college, make a ton of money, and then get high.  the quota of 18 y/o losers who smoke weed has already been reached.

  22. I think the main reason it is not legal is because people wouldn't feel like working their a**** off for 40 years just to whind up with a tiny little social sercurity check.

    It makes people question things that the government doesn't want to give answers for.

  23. I know exactly what you mean. After all alcohol is much much worse than marijuana. I think it's because a lot of people think that it causes violent or other kinds of bad behavior. Most people don't stop to think that it has medical purposes as well. Even people in our own government use marijuana for medical purposes.  Truth is that there is no real reason for it to be illegal especially since you never hear of someone over dosing on it. People just don't want anyone smoking it. People are ignorant that's all I can think of.

    And I think the whole "week is a gate way drug" is bogus becuase it's not gonna get you to try anything else. If someone decides to use another drug it's because they want to not becuase week made them want to do it.

  24. Its not bad, it just makes people lazy

  25. Cancer

    It’s hard to know for sure whether marijuana use alone causes cancer, because many people who smoke marijuana also smoke cigarettes and use other drugs. But it is known that marijuana smoke contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per day may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day (15) .

    # Lungs and airways

    People who smoke marijuana often develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have: coughing and wheezing. They tend to have more chest colds than nonusers. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia.

    # Immune system

    Our immune system protects the body from many agents that cause disease. It is not certain whether marijuana damages the immune system of people, but both animal and human studies have shown that marijuana impairs the ability of T-cells in the lungs' immune systemm to fight off some infections.

    : It can. Marijuana affects memory, judgment, and perception (11). The drug can make you mess up in school, in sports or clubs, or with your friends. If you’re high on marijuana, you are more likely to make mistakes that could embarrass or even hurt you. If you use marijuana a lot, you could start to lose interest in how you look and how you’re getting along at school or work.

    Athletes could find their performance is off; timing, movements, and coordination are all affected by THC. Also, since marijuana can affect judgment and decisionmaking, its use can lead to risky sexual behavior, resulting in exposure to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

        *  problems with memory and learning (11);

        * distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) (6);

        * trouble with thinking and problemsolving (5);

        * loss of motor coordination; and

        * increased heart rate.

    Effects can be unpredictable, especially when other drugs are mixed with marijuana.

  26. because it is easier to grow pot then to brew beer. and the government can not control that.

  27. people think that marijiuana is so bad because they have never tried it



    - rianna™

  28. The had a thing on Comcast On Demand about this.

    At first Alcohol was banned, but it didn't work. It just went underground and became a worse problem than ever. They guy banning things had to have something banned, however, so he picked pot. They came out with rediculous comercials advertising how bad it was. The fact is, since it's banned they can't do much testing on it, so we can't really get the facts.

    One thing that seems to have proved itself is that it makes people eat everything and be really lazy, which isn't very productive for society. We need our little worker bees. (Ha. If society really cared about it's workers it would pay for rehab. They do that in other places you know.)

    And to those saying it's a gateway drug and it's addictive:1 it's only a gateway drug if the person continues on to another drug. the weed didn't force them to stick a needle in their arm, did it? NO. It was the person.

    2 s*x is addictive. Internet is addictive. Are they illegal. h**l no they aren't!

    Weed is illegal 'cause the gov can't figure out how to make a good profit off of it.

    If it were legalized, it would be controlled like alcohol is. No one would be coming to worked stoned anymore than people come drunk, so that argument about the surgeon being stoned is rediculous. If he made a mistake high he would loose his practice and be sued for so much he'd be bankrupt. So obviously any competent surgeon wouldn't do that.

  29. it doesnt really make sense actually

  30. smoking of any kind is harmful to your lungs.

    ciggarrettes, weed, yeah its not good for your lungs..

    but neither is all the polution and chemicals in the air. we breathe that in everyday?

    do some research. google it, and you will find that marijuana isn't bad if you smoke it in moderation, meaning you do not abuse it.

    the government doesnt want it legal because they cant tax it. plus, could you imagine going into surgury and the surgen is stoned?

    i think if it were legal, then many professionals would use it on the job.

    anyways im getting off topic.. bottom line is, i dont think weed is that bad for you.  

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