
Why do people say palin doesn't have much experience when obama doesn't either?

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i mean its pretty obvious he chose biden b/c he has more experience and can advise him.




  1. Exactly they are just mad, because he is pissing on their parade, Hey John, Happy birthday and you will be the President!

    And CNN is going mad with hatred, you can hear the gnashing and moaning with the Tv set off!

  2. I assume Palin has much more experience than Obama.  I think it's a good VP pick for McCain.

  3. that she doesn't have much experience isn't the point, the point is that cons have been railing obama for inexperience, then mccain picks someone even more inexperienced as number 2

  4. It's McCain that said experience is so important... we're just wondering why McCain doesn't seem to think his VP needs it?

  5. If Republicans and Conservatives hadn't been obsessing about this with Obama, you would hardly have seen anything about it.  Most of these questions on here are put on here by people doing so just to point out the hypocrisy of the Republicans.

  6. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  7. Amen

    By far the funniest quote of the presidential campaign...

    The tone contrasted with that of a more-critical statement issued earliar in the day by an Obama spokesman questioning Palin’s experience.

    “Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency,” spokesman Bill Burton said.

    LOL.. Did this guy forget who he's working for?

    Besides, this woman has dealt with the Russians on numerous occasions.

    What has Obama done?

  8. Ok, let's get this right please.  McCain and the right have been bashing Obama for a LONG time about no experience.  So now they've chosen somebody with even LESS.  So this is not about Obama going you don't have experience.  This is Obama saying you can't come and tell me I'm not ready to be president because I dont' have necessary experience, and then pick somebody who has even less than me!  This is a you can't have your cake and eat it too moment for the right wing.  Look at things in the appropriate context and you will find that McCain is misleading on MANY things.

  9. You are kidding with this question - right?

    There are 48 Mayors in the St. Louis area that have more experience than she has, from her 10 years as Mayor of a small town of 8000.

    There are 16 Mayors in the US and 46 Governors that have more experience than she does in running the state of Alaska, based on population and budgets.

    Obama, while having precious little experience, has at least been on some key Senate comities, and has been in the Senate for almost four years.  

    And if the accusations are true - and they have not been proven out yet - her method of dealing with someone who opposes her wishes is to fire them.   As she is alleged to have done to a high state employee when he refused to fire a state trooper, her former brother-in-law, who is in a bitter custody fight with her sister.  Is this what you would want a heart beat away from the presidency?  NOT ME.

  10. Because Palin is in the #2 slot while Obama is in the #1.

    If McCain croaks, do you want an empty-headed wet nurse with no experience outside a small Alaskan town--running this country?

    You might as well just INVITE Al-Qaeda to hit us every day for the next 4 years.

  11. Just wiki Palin and then Obama. Open your eyes and read, open your brai and read. It's a popular site and is very straight to the point!

  12. The only people who would be stupid enough to even try and equate the top of the ticket to the bottom, don't deserve your attention.

    Obama is an empty suit.

  13. Obamas a clown and so is Biden they are both taking money from pro Iranian groups,They get in, Iran will have nukes ,bet on it

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