
Why do people say...?

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In interest of full disclosure. I have heard people say it before and I heard it last night on a presidential debate on CSPAN. What they heck does this mean? ALSO, why do they say it?




  1. it means "as well" or "and"

  2. I implies that what follows (or precedes) is an attempt to show any connection between the person talking and any company he works for or corporate overarch.  If NBC discusses GE, it discloses that GE owns NBC.

  3. CSPAN is a cable service for the (in)activities of Congress. Pepole say it instead of the "Congressional Spanning channel".

    Honestly, don't schools teach anybody anything anymore?

  4. It is intended to let people know (or make them think) that the speaker is trying to be open and honest and not hide anything.

  5.   They say it to let you know that they are somehow connected to the thing they are talking about.  Sometimes on ABC they'll say that when there is an issue with Walt Disney Co because they are owned by Disney and they want to avoid people saying there's a conflict of interest-that they are slanting the news to save Disney from some trouble. Y'know?  

  6. Full disclosure means giving any and all details of a situation.

    Basically in the interest of telling all of the information...usually meaning that they don't want to be caught holding anything back, or have it seem that things were held back or kept secret.

  7. It is a legal requirement. You should not promote a product on air just because you have financial links to the company that makes it.

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