
Why do people say smoking kills? It's obviously a liberal scam?

by Guest66524  |  earlier

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People have been dying for thousands of years. Just look at the last ice aggg--err, bubonic plague. These scientists who say smoking causes lung cancer only do it because they are part of a vast, worldwide conspiracy to promote anti-nicotine patches. Everyone knows it, DUH. They act like just because everyone who smokes dies about 15 years earlier than the average non-smoker, and from the same cause, that the smoking is what killed them. Correlation does not mean causation. Besides, people die in their 50's all the time, and they aren't smokers. So obviously smoking isn't what's killing these people.

These scientists just can't make up their mind. First they were saying smoking is bad, then it's good, then it's bad, in the 70's it was bad. Plus OISM came out with a petition of 30,000 smokers, homeless, religious zealots, right wing talk show hosts... (akin to their anti-AGW petition made up of physicians, computer consultants, biochemists, etc.!) ... that said smoking is good for you




  1. Let me point out something here...I am a smoker, but yesterday I wasn't coughing and today I'm not either.  In fact, this has been the most cough-free year of my life, whether I was smoking or not.

    And I have several friends around the country who smoke...we've talked and compared notes; most of us are smoking more than ever before, yet NONE of us had significant coughing fits in the last year.

    What does that tell you about smoking and coughing?  If smoking were really dangerous, my smoking friends and I would have had the worst coughing season(s) on record.

    Yet we didn't.  All this 'smoking is bad for you' business is just a big SCAM designed by the government to take away our liberty and supported by a bunch of Doctors who are funded by government grants.

    And it isn't addictive, either...there are no smokers on Mars or any of several nearby planets.

  2. Death is natural.  It occurs in cycles.  You're born, and later you die.  How did people die before smoking?  People died during the Medeival Warm Period (long before tobacco companies hired Steve Milloy), so obviously death is not anthropogenic.  Thousands of scientists and millions of smokers are in on the scam.

    LOL, the rationale looks pretty funny when you apply the same arguments used against global warming to similar situations.

  3. I have never posted to this forum claiming that GW was a "liberal" scam. I have posted that I do not believe the ground temperature data-- that I do believe the satellite data-- but it is not long term data yet--- and I have posted that POLITICIANS have grabbed this "issue" as a means to promote themselves-- and establish another trading currency called "carbon credits".

  4. I haven't heard anyone say that smoking is good for you since the 70s.  The evidence shows the opposite.  Nicotine however (not in smoke form) has certain qualities that benefit the body.

    That said, trying to draw a parallel between smoking and global warming is moronicly absurd.

  5. Many people dispute the notion that second hand smoke causes cancer.

  6. Conspiracy? I believe you're sorely mistaken. Smoking does kill, research has shown that for each cigarette you smoke you take away about five minutes of your life. Not to mention you severely decrease quality of life as you get older, oh I don't know with Emphysema being a primary quality of life reducer and lung cancer being the killer.

    Patches and gums are meant to help people reduce the nicotine receptors in their heads that constantly scream for it. Neurologically your brain is fixed on the narcotic, so naturally it makes sense for people to need help to quiet and calm the urges to want to buy the patches. Some people can't do it cold turkey (I did but that's another story) so they need help. So explain to me why if this is such a great conspiracy, that the government with the help of many doctors and the aid of the DOH (Department of Health) that they have shown research that smoking reduces  the time that you live, and reduces the quality of life?

    Oh, and one more thing just because I feel like arguing today. When you smoke you also have to deal with your OWN second hand smoke which I can only fathom as to what good that does your lungs when you re-breathe that same air.

  7. People say that smoking kills because it does.  If you are doing something that weakens your lungs, affects your blood pressure and ages you.  I say this because I am a smoker, so I know.  The chances of me dying sooner are greater because I smoke.  I know this, and it's the chance I take.

    While not everyone dies early or gets cancer from smoking, it happens much more often that if you never smoked at all.

    Everyone dies eventually, it's just what you do to speed up the inevitable.

  8. Good points, maybe you'll get Delana and Dr Jello to follow up with posts of their own on how smoking is good for you.

  9. Although leftist generally are against tobacco, it is propped up by government policies.  The government earns far more than tobacco growers. The government does everything except grow the stuff.  Tobacco is very bad for your health and has carcinogens that cause cancer.  This in no way suggests that leftist fantasies about global warming causing the end of the world are anything but fantasies.  

    Just as most people used to believe that tobacco was OK, most people now think that global warming is necessarily harmful.  In reality, both assumptions were/are wrong.  It just goes to show you that consensus is not science.

  10. Smoking is good for you and carbon dioxide is good for the earth! DUH!

    Very good points here.  Too bad it went right over so many people's heads.

    And Boom - well done.  Great answer.

  11. who cares?

    start dippin then

  12. smoking kill!!! v say this b'caz smoking does nt only decreases the life expectancy bt one u shuld b cautious abt its contribution in polluting the environment.......nictotine jst hingers around in the air........"smokers find their own to defence themselves" doesnt matters to other if smoker wants to smoking also proves fatal to parteners.....especiially kids......SO smokers nt only prove fatal frm themselves bt also others......for only factual probs caused by smoking c this link.....

  13. What a babbling bunch of BS this is. Congrats! DPOTD!

  14. Yes, smoking kills.  If you smoke to much you can get lung cancer and die.  Some people smoke so much that they have to get a hole cut in their throught because they wercked their larynx.(?)  But yes, smoking does kill, and if you think that its good for you, you are DEFINALTLY wrong.

  15. lol. I'm pretty sure this is a toungue in cheek thing....right....right?

  16. Dude, I respect your whole libertarian vibe, but if you think Smoking is good for you, you should really go see someone.

  17. um you must be dumb. the ciggerette has stuff in it that you swallow and makes your lungs weak.  it doesnt matter if these people are dying in their 50s and arent smokers. maybe some are. smoking isnt good for you at all. smoking can take 7years off of your life

  18. Makes you wonder why people volunteer to go to the battle field. Most of them don't even have a good reason why. Some recruiter pumped them up, but forgot to mention everyone looks the same in a body bag.

  19. Fact: I just had my whole right lung removed .

    Reason: Cancer from smoking

    Result: With alot of pain and Chemo I SURVIVED And I get another chance in life.

    Now do you think I would pick up a smoke after all I have been thru and take the chance it was not smoking that caused the cancer ?????

  20. 1. Smoking Dose cause lung cancer.

    2. Smoking does cause heart disease.

    3. Smoking does cause throat cancer.

    4. Smoking does cause emphazima (sp?)

    5. Smoking does cause low birth weight.

    But that isn't reason enough imo, to force people to not smoke in places where debauchary is supposed to happen, like ohh say a bar!  

    Its not a liberal scam, yr just paranoid.

    edit: oh word, sarcasim needs vocal cords bro, I though you were just nuts.  got me.

  21. Dying is a part of life, Even a person who has never drank, smoked or tried drugs in his life will die.  It's up to you what you will die from, lung cancer, or natural causes.

  22. Hahaha...I can't believe so many people think you're serious.  It's obvious that you're comparing people who think that smoking is good for you to people who think global warming doesn't exist. gave me a laugh.  Nicely done.

  23. d**n people, are you all retarded...

    He is obviously making a (tounge in cheek) connection between current global warming skeptics and the people who argued that smoking wasn't bad for you.

    Satire... irony, I cant believe so many people are missing his point.

  24. i'm all for smoking and all that jazz and i seriously doubt every cigarette takes like 15mins off ur life or how much ever it is but it does significantly raise ur risk for cancer

    i mean all the chemicals they put in there can't be like the fountain of youth ya know

    but yeah them them stupid hippie do-gooders have been all up in my case about smokin lately what with not lettin me smoke in building and junk i mean 2nd hand smoke is bad for u but theres is so much more harmful stuff in the air than just cig smoke so get outta here with that junk

  25. You, my friend, are posting this in the wrong section. I'm afraid smoking doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of  "global warming".

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