
Why do people say that Fast food serves "bad meat" or"Grade D" meat?

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There is no way bad meat will pass an inspection, and there is no lettered scale of beef. It is pass or fail. If a meat producer wishes he CAN *dosn't have to* have his products graded by a USDA grader in the following catogories : Prime, choice, select, standard, utility, cutter and canner. Prime is usually not sold at stores and is used by restaurants and hotels. Prime is from a younger cow. All the catogories or safe for consumption, and are only catogorized based on age of the cow and cow parts. Fast food serves prime. Utility, cutter and canner are made to make groud beef *mcdonalds does not use ground beef* and things like frankfurters. So whats up with all the beef, people?




  1. The reason people say this is that food quality is not the driving consideration for big fast food corporations, the bottom line is the primary concern.  An easy way of enhancing profits is to reduce costs of primary materials, and this can be done by buying cheaper (lower quality) meat.  Low worker pay with no benefits is the second way to reduce costs.  Sound like McJobs to you?

  2. There is nothing wrong with the meat used in fast food, it is just normally the older cows that get processed into these products.  In fact, older beef (generally leaner) has a better flavor when mixed with fat from younger animals.

    Generally speaking, meat companies do not have all the meat they produce graded...they may only have the young beef graded IF they feel that the meat is at least choice, as obviously they can charge more if it is graded.  Grading meat is not rocket science!  

    Grading is completely different than just being inspected, as grading is based on quality while passing inspection only ensures wholesomeness.  MANY people in this country have NO idea of the difference.

  3. we all dk its just a USA thing if u know what i mean!lol

  4. Well I can tell you this much. Taco bell as of 1997 (I worked there during high school) didnt serve no fillet mignon, thats for d**n sure. Fast food does not have our best interest in mind. Its full of fillers and other junk we normally would not eat.

    Do you work for the Beef Council or something???

  5. Grade "D" stands for "Dogmeat"

  6. because the meat they use isn't actual meat.(ive heard)

  7. Because it's cheaper. More profit!

  8. your body is so full of poison, it's used to it by now

  9. There is no way for all bad meet to get weeded out, and in business today, what matters is the bottom line (moola).

  10. As a matter of fact, meat is graded by letter. Better grades are more expensive.

  11. It is bad MAYBE..but it is all about moderation (control). If you eat it maybe once a week and are an active overall healthy person then it wont really do any harm to you...but if you eat it all the time, you will get fat and you will be unhealthy. Fast food is usually really high in fat and not the highest quality food..nor is it the freshest or prepared in a clean environment (usually).

  12. You probably should have yahoo'd before you asked this question. Prime is not a grade, it is a cut. Many fast food companies serve "bad meat" because it is cheaper. How else would their food be so cheap? Also, there IS a lettered scale for meat.

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