
Why do people say that Global Warming is a myth?

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Obviously it is real, i have watched an inconvinient truth, read books and researched it. Today people keep on saying its a myth even thoguh everyday people are saying recycle and do your part why do people avoid it? are they just trying to think it's not real and it's not true so it will go away? and if you think it's a myth can youo tell me why?




  1. I watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and for the life of me no one believes he is real.  I even read a book on it and still people say it was not real.  Give me a break, education today is not about truth. Its about indoctrination, and mediocrity.

  2. The arctic ice caps are back to their highest levels of ice in recorded history.

    This winter has been the coldest in recorded history.

    We were in a warming spell, it wasn't caused by humans and we're now going into another cooling period.  It's cyclic.  Anyone with a high school degree in science knows that.  Gore was a flunky who's rich daddy bailed him out of everything.  Even the AGW religious types admit that Gore is an idiot and doesn't know any science.

    And you still believe some kooky movie that's been proven to be full of lies and distortions?  Gore and his "scientists" should be sued for lying to us.

    Note that the global warming believers are now quoting from politicians.  Doesn't that just prove it's political and not scientific?

  3. In  my area we have had record breaking snow fall for Feb. The climate is always changing and always will. The sun controls the weather not man. Al Gore is full of c**p!

  4. Ignorance, of course.

  5. Why would I? I'll start to worry when the ocean levels actually start to rise. Right now it's all just "scientific" prediction.

  6. The real reason some believe it is a "myth" lies in the science. All I currently see posted is generalizations about peoples beliefs and belief systems. The problems are that there errors in the models that predict global warming are large. However, there is historical evidence that suggests that there are cyclical climate patterns. Most people who say global warming is happening will admit to cyclical climate patterns, but they believe humans are accelerating these patterns. I just think we all need to look at the earth as a whole. Its not just cars and factories, but land use changes, large animal operations, and a whole host of things that humans are doing to affect the climate. Just look into the science, in the hard scientific journals, and stay away from skewed websites with opinions. (not that scientific articles can't be skewed) Make decisions by understanding the background first, and then the data that is presented.

  7. Remember the Hockey Stick Graph?

    For every lie Liberals get caught in, you can bet there are a few dozen out there being swallowed whole. I don't believe liars. Why do you?

    Note: That's AGW. GW, or 'climate change', is perfectly natural and normal.

  8. I definitely believe global warming is happening.  And it is going to cost future generations dearly.  I hate how people think it is a myth.  I think they just want to not have to feel guilty driving they're big SUV and wasting energy.  They think "If I deny it, then it will go away."  They really don't believe it is a myth--well, they didn't.  Until they read all of the fake articles posted by other bozzos on the internet and thought "hey, that really takes the load off!"  And they chose to believe it to make themselves feel good.  And that's just it.  Make THEMSELVES feel good.  They don't care about future generations, just THEMSELVES.

  9. They are cocky, religious people who do not appreciate what they have. They believe in using and abusing the planet and it's ressources until they die, and do not really are about their childrens futures. It's sad, because global warming is happening, and the science is their to prove it. People will just refuse to take action until they have a bucket in hand trying to bail out there apartement from the quickly rising waters, and by then, it's too late. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Let's get proactive.

  10. "The more I've listened to global warming deniers, the more I've realized that for most of them, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE SCIENCE. These guys don't go five minutes without attacking Al Gore or comparing climate activists to socialists who want to destroy capitalism. Deniers are part of a political culture that frames the world in terms of left and right, so they've absorbed global warming into that broader paradigm of partisan politics."

  11. Because there is NO scientific evidence supporting the theory, and quite a bit against it.

    By the way, saying, "I have watched an inconvinient truth" is probably not the best way to show your knowledge of the AGW theory. It has been legally shown to have 9 major "inconvenient" lies/half truths in it.

  12. I am Secretary of the Environmental Club at Queens College, and in my opinion, Global Warming is not a myth, though I am certain there are people who will beg to differ with me. Why do people differ on their opinions of Global Warming? There are a number of reasons. Some are just ignorant; in denial; and many others may believe that either a government agency or even the UN may be part of a conspiracy etc. However, it is time for us to unite and accept Global Warming for the danger it is. "An Inconvenient Truth" was mentioned in the question, and indeed, Al Gore made it very clear with all of his proof that Global Warming is a serious threat. I am glad that there are some people who have accepted the threat of Global Warming, and I hope that in the future, less and less people will disagree on this serious, potentially life changing issue.

  13. cuz they have no life and want to die faster

  14. Many people believe that global warming is a myth. It has been scientifically proven that the earth's climate is getting hotter, in fact NASA just released that this has been the earth's second hottest year ever.(I'm 95% sure that was what it was). However, there have been many sporatic changes in temp. throughout the years. Thus-it can be argued.

    Many people oppose global warming because of Al Gore and his involvement. The science behind inconvenient truth has been inconveniently proven false. The numbers are wrong, and this adds heat to the fire for those who oppose global warming.

    Most people who believe in "global warming" credit it to carbon emmissions, etc. (solve by recycling using less energy etc.) However, while some people admit that the world is getting hotter, they credit it to different things. Example: The earth's magnetic fields are in the proccess of shifting (this is proven) and by 2012 they should complete the shift. Up to 2012 we will be experiencing climate change and more extreme weather. This basically covers all the issues of "global warming" but the media likes to stir people up, and many do not even consider this as being the cause for "global warming"

    It will be a forever-debated upon issue, but just remember that there are many options to consider and that not everything you hear is true. (Ex: Remember the polar bear scene in inconvenient truth? This was filmed in the summer when the ice caps always melt & break like that!) While I do believe in global warming, and that humans are contributing, I feel it is bound to happen due to the magnetic shifts taking place currently. Essentially- that there is not much we can do to stop global warming.

  15. There have been times when there was much more CO2 in the atmosphere that there is now, and it didn't destroy the Earth. And if you look at graphs of CO2 and temperature, you'd see that CO2 follows temperature, not the other way around,and one reason for this is that oceans release CO2 when temperatures go up.

    And come on, if the best argument you guys can come up with is list a bunch of organizations that claim that AGW is real, give me a break.

  16. It's just denial, pure and simple.  They don't want to take responsibility for altering the global climate because it would mean that we have to change our behavior and actions.  Some people are just unwilling to change and will believe anything as long as it allows them to maintain the status quo.

  17. When I was a kid they told me all the rain forests would be gone too.  They're still there...check out google earth.  It's alarmist bull.  How can you say you know without a doubt because you watched a skewed video.  Do you know anything about global climatology.

    Here's an interesting update.  I can't find it on youtube yet but this morning there was a gentleman on talking about plans to possibly sue Al Gore for financial fraud.  He had better come up with some more concrete evidence quick.

  18. The Bush Administration has invested great time and energy into blocking action on the most important scientific issues of our day, both those that could help us and those that could kill us. This has been done solely to benefit he and his coterie of supporters who have made huge financial gains from his having maintained the status quo against all reason. It is the $ame deal as going to war in IRAQ for fictional causes. To make this fly, he has assembled the largest troop of baboons of anyone since Hitler. The damage done to the human the damage race this time is incalcuably greater.

    If you go to any of the numerous Internet forums dedicated to discussion of Global Warming, or any of the other environmental issues that threaten the human race with extinction you end up instead debating third grade science with the trenchcoat mafia. When I was their age, there was enormous concern that the United States was ONLY 5th in education among developed countries. As it has turned out, that was our high point! We now rank 26th out of 29, and there is no better evidence of that than these folks.

    Don't get sucked into a "debate", or any of the rest of their brain dead agenda, think instead of your own survival. The population of the human race outgrew it's food supply and other resources in the late 1970's. All the environmental problems derive from this. In the past the rest of the world has looked to the USA for leadership on any important issue. Those days are long gone, and moreso with every succeeding generation. People with some grasp of the situation need to start thinking about themselves, and forget about the welfare of the people causing the problems. Lord knows, they don't care about you! Identify the skills needed to survive without the things developed since civilization began, and get busy learning them. Then develop the means to defend them when the dedicatedly uneducated discover they have been wrong, and come wanting to take what you have had the wisdom to preserve.

  19. As far as I can tell, they have an agenda and don't mind coming across as uneducated.

    These scientific organizations all say that we're causing the warming and that we have reason to be very concerned:

    NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

    State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC)

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    Royal Society of the United Kingdom (RS)

    American Geophysical Union (AGU)

    American Institute of Physics (AIP)

    National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

    American Meteorological Society (AMS)

    Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)

    Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Bazil)

    Royal Society of Canada

    Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Academié des Sciences (France)

    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany)

    Indian National Science Academy

    Accademia dei Lincei (Italy)

    Science Council of Japan

    Russian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Society (United Kingdom)

    National Academy of Sciences (United States of America)

    Australian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts

    Caribbean Academy of Sciences

    Indonesian Academy of Sciences

    Royal Irish Academy

    Academy of Sciences Malaysia

    Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand

    Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    Recycling is great, but to make a dent in this issue we really need national policies that have much greater impact.

    The coal industry is one of the strongest lobbies in Washington D.C. and the oil industry isn't far behind.  They give money to our politicians and practically run the government (a large number of the Bush administration's key people are former oil industry executives).  It will be very hard to kick the influence that those dollars buy out of Washington.

    One thing you can do is check voting records and kick the worst offenders out of office this Fall:

    Check your elected representative's vote on this key issue and send a letter:

    Also write a letter to your local newspaper editor to inform people in your community:

    Send presidential candidate Senator John McCain a letter:

    You're the only one that can turn your politicians around or kick them out of office.  

    If you do nothing, don't complain about the outcome that you've allowed to come about!

  20. Only Oil Companies and others who make $ by destroying the Environment do.

    Oh, and phonies that are paid to lie by the Oil Companies do too!


    OH OH HERE COMES THE SONG DUN DUN DUN, (ITS global warming) DUN DUN DU DU DUN!! (yo, yo)

  22. Some are honestly mistaken.  Others see conspiracies in everything.

    Many are extreme conservatives.  If liberals, environmentalists, or worst, Al Gore say something it MUST be wrong.  No many how many scientists say it.  You can see this viewpoint in some of the answers here.

    They should maybe pay attention to these guys:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

  23. For starters the hypothesis is not that the earth has warmed up, but that man is primarily responsible.

    There are many inaccuracies in an inconvenient truth.

    A British Judge found inaccuracies in the film that scientific studies do not support his conclusions.,2933,3007...

    Finally, I suggest you read this article by two Harvard professors.  They have reviewed the scientific literature, and have found that the empirical data does not support the theory.

    I would also be vary cautious of anybody who attacks an article not by what has been said, but by who said it and where.  ie, you can not trust him, he is in the pockets of big oil.  If he is lying because he has been influenced by money, then say what those lies are.  They do not because they have no counter arguements, so they have to attack the person.

  24. Ignorance is bliss for some...

    Reality is a complex matrix of emotions that one is not necessarily in control of at all times. One can only control their reactions. Denying something is easier to control, and understand. No grow is easier to control, to mold into ones' desires. I know the earth is in route to dire straits. My family are avid outdoors people and scientists. The weather, the air, the soil, the animals, the plants... everything has changed dramatically within just these past 10 years! Milder winters than I remember. Warmer summers than I can recall. More trees are dying from diseases that aren't normal for the area. The insect populations are altered. I mean, the earth is going nuts right now. And I don't blame it one bit!

    All in all, the hardest thing to swallow down, is the fact the best way to act, is getting active yourself. Others take a little bit longer to follow along. ;)

    Sounds like you are doing good contributions. Imagine if a whole town recycled? Then spread to a county, to a state, to a region, to a country...

    Another head scratcher for you....

    Alot of other countries are much more advanced at making a difference in the planet. Americans are the biggest polluters, and the worst recyclers. Figure that one out.

    Keep the work up! I contribute by making my aluminum cans into spice racks! And cubbies!

  25. Some people don't want to believe it. Some people just keep that disbelief alive so they don't have to care. People are just insisting that we have no real proof that WE are the ones causing global warming. Sure we're emitting carbon dioxide, but they're saying that its not enough to make these changes. Those people say something else is causing it. Perhaps its natural. Perhaps the levels are just rising by themselves. Either way, both scenarios will end normally, and we don't have to do anything. And if it ends normally, and it's a natural thing, then its really not global warming. Its just a "natural process" that we shouldn't worry about at all.

    Personally, i think its just laziness. The truth is all around us! It's pretty obvious. And even if we're not causing it completely, we're still doing a lot that's harmful, so people should still be doing something.

  26. People say that global warming is a myth because believing that it is not a myth forces them to take responsibility for their actions.

  27. So you believe everything you see on TV, boy are you in trouble, but don't worry someday you will learn the truth that Al Gore is full of himself.  Until that happens take slow deep breaths.....Its going to be all right. :)

  28. Well... In my opinion it IS true but there is a possibility tha it could just be some cycle of the earth and it's atmosphere or w/e :P

  29. I don't think that it is a myth, but its the cause that is the question, is it due to man made factors or is it due to the natural cycles of the output of the Sun and the earths tilt. Remember, there have been at least five ice ages in the last 200,000 years, and we are still coming out of the last one. The earth has been a lot hotter than it is now in the last 200,000 years, why? in the past it was certainly not due to four wheel drive cars! volcanic activity has remained more or less constant for millions of years. The rate of warming has increased dramatically in the last 150 years or so, but 150years is insignificant when considering the earths history.

    I personally think that it is due to natural cycles, and there is nothing that we can do about it.

  30. I have never called Global Warming a myth.  Fraud, scam, swindle, con, and utter load of bull, yes, but never a myth.  Myths are harmless stories from bygone days.  Frauds cause real harm now in the present.

    Why don't I believe the tale Mr Gore spins.

    1 - Al Gore is a politician, which means he is a liar.  Everything politicians say are lies.

    2 - There is nothing abnormal about today's climate.  Temperatures have been lower and they have been higher.  CO2 levels have been much higher at times, and rarely this low.

    3 - It's a false scare.  Humans are tropical animals.  We do better in warm climates.  Rising temps and rising CO2 will help agriculture.

    4 - When people tell you "the science is in, global warming is real"  that isn't science.  Science is an endless set of questions not a bunch of smug conclusions.

    5 - Climate scientists are not in general agreement as to the nature, causes, or effects of our climate.  

    6 - Climate is a very complex dynamic system.  Anyone who has ever tried to model a dynamic system will tell you how hard that is.  Our climate is beyond our knowledge.

    7 - Global Warming is being used as a lever by people who wish to reduce our wealth and freedom.  

    8 - Modern technology is not the enemy.  Contrary to the warm fuzzy notion of suburban environmentalists nature is harsh, she'll happily kill us.  It's our technology that keeps at bay the hazards of nature.

    9 - Even if reducing CO2 were a laudable goal (it isn't) we'll never get international agreement.  Everybody might sign a treaty, but they'll all cheat.  

    10 - CO2 is a trace gas, but it's a vital trace gas.  Without CO2, life on earth will quickly end.

    11 - There still is no definitive answer as to the degree that CO2 levels plays in temperature.  There is more evidence that temperature drives CO2 levels.

    12 - People are using this issue to make a living, be it grants, a movie or a book to sell, a job they want, they have a vested interest in scaring us.

    13 - The history of science is full of big ideas that turned out to be false, often the majority is wrong.  Don't get sold on the idea that the science is deterministic and conclusive, so far it isn't.

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