
Why do people say that God is real and ghosts aren't?

by Guest32945  |  earlier

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How can people say that ghosts are a load of rubbish and say God is real. People have seen ghosts but who has seen God.




  1. Your logic is somewhat tainted.

    I do not believe in ghosts, however I DO believe in God.

    Yes, I have never seen either, but thats just how it is.

    Following your logic, every one would have to believe in everything they have not seen!

    Do you believe in Thor?

    How about aliens?


    By the way, people only CLAIM to have seen ghosts, don't you find it odd that those same people can not provide substantial proof? If proof where available, proof that would remove ALL doubt, then others would begin to believe in ghosts much like they did when it was proved the Earth was round not flat.

  2. Well my idea is that man created God in his own image.  The basic job of most religion's is to control the masses.  It all has to do with paranoia not paranormal.  Look all around you and you see the results of this kind of thinking. We spend billions of $'s on war toys when your more likely to die in an auto accident or slipping in the bath.  Religions spend millions on gold icons for the churches and let the masses starve.  

    Anything that might  lessen this strangle hold is rebutted and declared the work of Satan....... Ooooo I'm so afraid!!!  I have a hard time with books and letters in the bible by Paul/Saul.  After all he hated Christens.  And if he was converted it was by a ghost.  And he is one of the most out spoken against ghost and the like.  I have no problems with ghost or Gods,  many of each have helped me in my life.  I do have a big problem with evil and have no place for it in my life.  An open mind can take you anywhere,  a closed mind just leads you around in circles.

    I know I'll get thumb boomed by the well meaning "God Squad", but I don't care.

  3. That's probably the best question that I have read in a while.  There are passage in the bible referring to spirits or what we would even consider to be ghost.  ( and nope, I'm not referring to the Holy Ghost).  And honestly, to believe that there is a God is to know that life as we know it does not end on earth as we know it, that it does continue is comforting.

  4. Well I would guess if there is a "holy spirit" then there can be other spirits.

    This is an age old argument that will be solved someday.  We may see it or we may be long gone by the time that the answer is told.

    Why even ask... I did and got the same BS answers you are getting.  You know what you believe in and that is all that matters.  Finding those that believe as you do is the key.

    Most people have never seen god and most people have never seen a ghost.  It is hard for someone to believe in something that they have never seen.  The biggest difference is most of us have been told since we were too young to understand that "there is a god and ghosts are not real" so what do you expect them to think.  It's not their fault.

    My best advice is believe in what you want to and don't let others who don't discourage you in what ever it is that you want to believe.  They used to think the earth was flat and you were stupid if you thought anything else.  They used to think the sun revolved around the earth.  That says to me that we are a not as smart as some would like to think... more like arrogant and one sided.

    Anytime that someone closes their mind off to thinking outside the box they will stagnate and stop learning.

  5. This in an excellent observation and question. Let me attempt to answer it. Both points of view are actually based on religious faith. Granted there is no scientific evidence for God as there is no scientific evidence (meaning controlled replicable experiments that show supporting evidence) for ghosts. The look at creation argument is as flawed as the ghost argument. How creation happened may be unexplained but unexplained does not present evidence of God. Also, many people have had religious experiences (seen or heard God) this testimony is actually correlated with people suffering from mental disorders. There is no such correlation between people reporting ghost sightings.

    The other possibility is denial of evil (such as ghosts) because the Bible has some passages about not communicating with spirits of the dead. For the record I do not believe ghosts are evil. Even Jesus reportedly made sure to tell the apostles that he was not a ghost. So I have to assume that within this forum (denying witness accoutns of ghosts) that Jesus's word was also not acceptable evidence.

    For those who do not believe in God or ghosts this does not apply to you.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  6. You see God every day in all His creation around you!  Look around He created it all!

  7. Some people say that based on their religious belief. If their religion says that dead people don't come back as ghosts, then they don't believe in ghosts. It's just their religion. Now as to whether the religion makes sense or not, that's a different question. But much about the major religions (and minor ones) don't make sense yet they are accepted as truth. I guess that's just part of faith.

    But conversely, most people who don't believe in God don't believe in ghosts, it seems. And that makes sense since a belief in ghosts would suggest an afterlife which also suggests a god.

  8. Because the idea of God and heaven and all that goes against th idea of ghosts......I think...

  9. So, I'm a christian, and obviously I believe in God, I believe in the trinity(the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) I believe that in the existence of evil spirits and stuff. I mean I don't like them but I believe they are very real. But yeah, I'm not sure completely what I think about ghosts, cos I guess they're the same as spirits... but yeah I guess it's just people's different interpretations of what they've seen...

  10. I like to think that God created ghosts, if he in fact created everything,. It makes sense to me! Plus, people who answered you and gave all their hubub about "God is in everything" and God is this and that.....well, then why wouldn't God also be part of the supernatural/paranormal occurances? Also, for the others who told you that there is no proof of  ghosts that cannot be argued against or debated, the same goes for God.  I choose to believe in both, personally, but I'm not about to sit here and answer you as though I am the supreme expert on the subject like others have.

  11. in case you dont know, people have claimed to see both, also, its not the same people saying both so its not actually a contradiction, get it?

  12. When you look at a building, can you say that building came from nowhere, just randomly fell into place? No, we know there is a builder who made the building. We might not see them but we know they existed.

    Likewise, we know there is a God because there is a creation (I am not talking about 7 day creation). We exist in an enviroment and with biological functions so complex that it becomes rediculous for us to believe that it just happened by accident. Like the building, there must be a builder, whether you can see him or not.

    A ghost is usually questionable, and subject to the individuals observation. The vast majority of ghost reports are all heresay, with questionable evidence, and almost always explainable circumstances.

    Proving God exists is easy, proving ghosts exist is hard. Ghosts don't make things.

  13. I dispute your claim that people have seen ghosts.Ghosts are not real,it's silly and childish to believe in them.

  14. This is a very good question.  How can people accept the idea of god and not that of ghosts?  If you boil your question down even further then you'd have to ask yourself, given the complete lack of evidence for either, why anyone believes in either god or ghosts.

    In other words, given that both have an equal amount of evidence supporting their existence, either both gods and ghosts are real or else neither is real.  I choose to live in an evidence-based world and, until the body of evidence changes, am quite content operating under the assumption that neither exists.

  15. people are entitled to think ,the way they want,independently

    they are right ,wrong,confused,undecided.etc....

  16. certain people believe in God and not ghosts because the bible says there is no such after life for it . If you are one of his chosen then your in heaven . If you're not , you are basically sleeping until the great judgment . There is no in between .

    Hope I helped

  17. Neither are real.  There's no evidence for god OR ghosts.

  18. people say that cuz its true and yes people have seen God

  19. There are many great answers posted already.

      Some people need something more then themselves to believe in. Hence God. The funny part is, Latin America is VERY  Catholic based, yet many also partake in Day Of The Dead. So they do believe in ghosts. Halloween is one most Americans would understand that basically used to be known more like our day of the dead, also believed as the day the veil between worlds is closest to ours. But most people have lost touch with our basic knowledge of Holidays and why they are celebrated, most have fallen to commercialization.

    One poster had stated when Jesus return he said he was not a ghost / Spirit. Wouldn't that there suggest that there would be such a thing?

    Guess it scares people to believe in ghosts because if they do believe then they would also believe that if they live their life wrong of their religious rules then they could be denied entry to their heaven. Hence one theory about ghosts.

    Anyway my 2 cents.

  20. Don't tell me u haven't seen god.Haven't u seen ur mother,father they r ur first god as they have given birth to u.Haven't u seen ur teachers they r ur second god as they r ur gurus.Haven't u seen  u ur face in the mirror.U r ur own god.Haven't u heard the saying"god is everywhere".If u belive in god u can see god.

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