
Why do people say that Obama lacks the experience to become president?

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Who really has the experience as President of the United States? Besides second term Presidents?

You can still have "experience" with politics and lead this country in the wrong direction.




  1. Wait... I thought experience didn't matter anymore and that's why Palin was chosen.


    But, yeah, you're right. At the moment, the most so-called  experienced person is Bush. And you know there's no way in h**l ANYBODY wants him in office anymore.

  2. Obama isn't worth voting for. He talks a good game, that's all.

  3. Obama is good at reading speeches written by someone else. He has been running for election soon after he became a U.S. Senator. And has done nothing that would qualify him to be President.

    Palin has executive experience as Mayor and Governor. She knows how to make decisions, Obama does not.

    Palin will give her speech tonight at 10 PM EST. She has a long list of qualifications.

  4. DAT GARFIELD GUY IS TOTALLY WRONG, bc OBAMA was in the senate in 2004 maybe even dont listen 2 half dese uneducated ppl on here :0

    OBAMA 08'


  5. What has Obama done with his life?  He spent it in academia living off other people's money, and then became a "community organizer" like Al Sharpton.

    Can't the Dems do any better?

  6. Senators have legislative experience.  It is not the same as executive experience and only one person on either ticket has executive experience - Palin.

  7. They say that because the only way to make McCain look better than Obama is to turn on the smears...

  8.   If they can question Palin's experience, then Obama is fair game.  

    It's not his experience that concerns me, it's his associates, mentors, and spiritual leaders that should make you want to know more!  

  9. So then anybody just graduating from High School would meet your qualifications. Obama has no experience running or doing anything. Even when he claims he has experience running his campaign, he isn't the one running it. His campaign manager is. Being a "community organizer" is not the kind of background, lifetime experience, qualification for the top job in the free world.

    Palin has more experience in in two days of being the mayor than Obama has in his whole life. Why? Because she was RESPONSIBLE to someone for something.

    Obama, no way, no how, no experience.

  10. Yeah thats true but the Republicans have to find something to try and bring him down. He recently gave a speech today talking about the RNC convention. He said out of all the people they didn't bring up the economy not once! They have no issues to talk about and McCain certainly does not care about helping middle class oh forget it anybody of that matter. I would rather have an "un-experienced' president with heart that loves this country and wants to help the people..then a old war veteran who just want to keep the and keep the shelters. Anyways, Obama will be president so it wont matter because in a month he will start getting his experience.

    Obama-Biden 08

    No way, no how, no mccain!!!!!!

  11. "present"

    " he isnt connected to the oil industry"

    His voting record proves you wrong

  12. as one of his constituents (that he lied to), i'd have to say this: because he doesn't.

  13. i agree, but when we say Barack doesn't have experience, we actually mean that he votes 95% down the party line.

  14. People who say that don't understand that no one who has never been President, doesn't have the experience to be President,as they've never been President before. It's the experience they do have, that they bring with them, that allows them to fill the office of President and they get their experience by being President.  

  15. Actually, Obama said that.  6 months before he started running for President.  We're just repeating it.

  16. He certainly doesn't have any executive experience....sure he's been a US Senator for 3 years but he's been on the campaign trail for most of that.

  17. I agree...look at Bush...his father was president and he still was a bad president lol  

  18. Yes Bush is a prime example of this! Obama will make the change our country needs! He isn't connected to the oil industry!

  19. He has never managed a government of any size.  

    Perhaps his first management job should be something that doesn't involve control of nuclear weapons.

    I kind of like his lack of experience.  If implemented his ideas will cause a recession, so if he is too inept to achieve that, it would be a good thing.

  20. I think they mean he lacks the experience of being unable to cheat, lie, or s***w people properly...

  21. Because he has had no executive experience. All he has done is worked as a community organizer for 3 months.

  22. Generally, Senators are not thought to have the right kind of experience to work in an executive capacity. Governors perform the same types of duties that presidents perform, so they are considered better adept.

    Given no executive experience on either ticket, the next best thing is experience in general. Obama is a bright and energetic young star with a promising future. It's too bad he's been thrust into a position that is way over his head, and the American people would be the ones paying the price if you vote for him.


    Hon, I know you're in the tank with ybeserious, but I'd be willing to bet that even Obama would say McCain is as honest as the most honest Senator we have right now. Biden too. Clinton too--Bill and Hillary. In fact, I bet no one in the United States Senate would attest to anything but McCain's honesty. You guys are waaaaaaaay off base.

  23. Because they believe it is about experience, and it is not, it is about good judgement and education to understand the Constitution of the United States, it takes a person who will weigh the issues and make the appropiate decisions that we can all live with (in all parties). It has nothing to do with experience, because no incoming president has the experience of the future, and John McCain does not have the temperament to do any of this, ever, he is just too old and uneducated.

  24. Becuase, he has only been a senator for a few years, he has never had to directly lead people.

    Also, the experience thing is only brought up to counter Mccain's age.

    weaknesses will always be exploited in a political election.

  25. Because he has been in the senate only seven months, the first month being the month he ran for president.

  26. For all of u that said McCain, he could give a S**t   about u because U ARE NOT RICH. U don't make over $5 million a year so why vote George Bush back in office a 3rd term? If u don't have health care, u will be screwed! Double screwed because u have to pay more taxes than any of the rich people that make $5 million. Why vote for a man that doesn't know how many houses he owns? Why vote for a man that is 72 years old!!!!!!!! ? Why vote for a man that has all the oil companies in his hands and giving them tax breaks instead of U? Why vote for somebody like that? U better wake up and smell the coffee, OBAMA IS THE NEW PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!! Why go through the same ol' thing for the next 4 years.....Get it together......And think.........

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