
Why do people say that Obama wants to raise taxes for everyone?

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How did this lie get spread around?

Obama plans to provide a Tax Cut for working families ( middle class ) and raise taxes on the top 2%

McCain wants to lower taxes even more for the rich and corporations.

Haven't people learned from history that trickle down economics does not work?




  1. Its not a lie.... The only way to pay for his entitlement programs is to raise taxes on all classes!  He wants big government and a nanny state and that is expensive.  Not to mention that Universal Health care will be expensive and it will deminish the quality of health care here.  Longer lines etc.  Face it, even if he ends the war, the money saved will not be enough to nanny every American like he wants to.  He wants every American to be dependent on his socialist government.  That is scarey!

  2. Republicans are for socialized capitalism.

  3. supply side or " trickle down " economics work great its your trickle up plan that doesnt work and belief me he may say he is going to tax just the wealthy and if he kept to that it would be bad enough but i can bet my right arm hes either going to change that or redefine wealthy

  4. Can someone explain me why Americans look at tax level and not at the efficiency of the govenment instead (service per paid tax) ?

  5. Do the math from your own question.  He wants to give ~60% of the population a tax break - paid for by 2%.  The mathematics simply do not add up.

    Right now we have the second-highest corporate taxe rate in the industrialized worls.  Obama wants it to become the _highest_ corporate tax rate in the indistralized world - how many companies will move themselves (and thier jobs) overseas in response?

    And in fact - Obama's tax policies are the absolute worst thing you can do in a weak economy.  We need _more_ capital investment - and increasing taxes on income from capital investment will drive money away from investments and into tax shelters.

    BTW - look at history: both times 'trickle down' economics were tried (Reagan 1982 and Bush 2001) it ended a recession and produced a _lot_ of economic growth.l

  6. It's just another scare tactic to get you to vote for the other future dictator whos main concern would be the welfare of the rich and wealthy and fend for yourself for everyone else.....

  7. I dont know, its spin that  Mccain camp do, but its not going to work.

  8. Obama wants to raise taxes on capital gains as well as a social security tax which will have an impact on EVERYONE. Raising taxes on the very people who provide jobs in the US is not smart during an economic slow down.

    Obama wants HUGE government and is taking advantage of hurting Americans by offering them free handouts for everything. Who will pay for all the free handouts? The taxpayer.

    I have lived overseas in Europe for 4 years and witnessed a 52% tax for only 52,000 euros earned. This is needed in order to pay for all the free government programs. There is NO incentive to work hard in Europe and therefore they do not.

    Universal health care will be very costly and will be paid for by a tax increase. For all those Obama supporters - I hope you enjoy the low quality free health care. America has the best health care in the world; we need to cap medical lawsuit rewards in order to make health insurance more affordable.

    We do not need to become Europe with numerous free programs, no incentive to work hard and high taxes. We need to remember what built America - HARD WORK.

  9. Because the Repugnants have nothing left but excuses, lies and slander.

  10. I think it got started with McCain asking how Obama plans to pay for some of his plans, and ignoring the fact that that has already been answered in the plan, let people make their own assumptions on it.

  11. You're going to hear every possible accusation as time wears on, and of course they're going to use fear tactics to try to get you to vote against Obama. The VAST majority of Americans did NOT benefit from Bush's nonsense, just like the vast majority of Americans would not be HURT if they were repealed. The Republicnts just want to scare you, that's all....

    Of course there's another reason as well: any excuse they offer will give anyone who wants one something they can repeat when they can't bring themselves to say they won't vote for a black man. They get "cover" and can go on being racist.

  12. This is a typical rhetorical threat used to scare people away from Democratic candidates. It is usually inaccurate. And I don't say that with any joy. As someone who wishes our government were fiscally responsible, I wish there were more candidate with the courage to raise taxes across the board.

    With that said, you're right, Obama only wants to raise taxes on the top 2%, cut subsidies to some business sectors (like the oil industry), and close tax loopholes exploited by corporations. McCain's policies, in actuality, would prove more costly for working class families, as he would cut many services. What troubles me most about McCain's platform is his plan to end tax breaks for employers who provide health insurance. This would cause many employers to stop offering health care, and would force many working class people to buy into expensive private plans that offer few benefits. It is, basically, a backdoor tax on everyone but the wealthy.

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