
Why do people say that the building of the border fence is good?

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When it seems that it's causing more problems then anything else. Could this be another poorly planned project that everybody was gung-ho about, but in reality, it's just going to cost us more then predicted, and not really work if they can actually complete it?;_ylt=AhTN18AqKFYRzLuxMOZb1X1Quk0A

Border fence design blasted as causing flooding

TUCSON, Ariz. - Environmentalists say flooding caused by a new border security fence in southwestern Arizona shows the structure is being built too quickly and without regard for the environment.

Critics say the design of the border fence caused debris and water backup during a July 12 storm that led to flooding at the port of entry at Lukeville and Sonoyta, Mexico, and at the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument




  1. Because it is good.

  2. Because anything that helps keep ILLEGALS out of this country is good. That c**p about the flooding is just that, c**p.

  3. Environmentalists also say that criminal invaders crossing into the US do more environmental damage than a fence ever could! The lesser of two evils is definitely the fence!

  4. Imagine the fence is your home door. Then you want to understand that why we need fences. To protect us.

    When you said the fences cause environmental problem, will you say your door will cause problems because it is made of wood and it hurts the environment by cutting down trees?

    What we should focus is how we can improve the environment after it is done.

    Hope you understand.

  5. 76.5 - 78.5% identify themselves as Christians.

    Exodus 22:21, "You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt."  

  6. Because it is. It does not have to be anymore complicated than that. It is what it is, now leave it alone!

  7. Because it is a good idea regardless of what the few naysayers come up with.

  8. Environmentalists should be more concerned with all the garbage and waste left behind when they cross illegally.  

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