
Why do people say that you shouldn't run water in your home if it is lightning("storming")?

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So if i didnt have copper pipes then would it be safe?




  1. Because the copper piping and water your using make excellent conductors of electrical current and you are completing the circuit to the ground.  Think total size of the plumbing system in your home, apartment, condo........BIG LIGHTENING ROD.  Unless the system in grounded, which since the 50's it should be.  But are you willing to take the chance?  I don't.


  2. seriously? obviously being anywer near water can put u @ risk of geting electracuted/dieing......(duh!)...and i dont think u would like dat very much! but thats my opinion hon.....just dont go and try any experiments to c if it works k? enless....u kno......u wanna end up like this.....

  3. Because, if lightning strikes the water line (regardless of what it's made out of, because water conducts electricity) the electricity from the lightning bolt will travel through the water line and electrify anything in contact with that water (such as someone washing their hands at the sink, or taking a shower). That's why it is not recommended to do so (if you are touching the running water).

    Read about:

      --Why water conducts electricity:

      --Lightning safety:



  4. Water + electricity not a good thing.

    if your house were to get struck by lightning then it might not end well.


  5. Water looks like a ground to lightning,  It is what lightning seeks.  Keep away from the toilet, the sink the tub etc.  

    Here is some more good advice to keep you safe

  6. since lighting can travel through water. so if it hits it anywhere, it will probly get you... and people generally dont like to be hit by lightning =]

  7. If lightning hits the ground, it's likely to hit some sort of water. Even if you have PVC (plastic) pipe, the lightning COULD (might not) shatter it (since it's very hot), and travel into your home.

    So if you're taking a shower during a storm, it's possible that — BANG! — lightning may come through the piping and hit you.

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