
Why do people say that you will torture yourself emotionally when you get involved with a married man?

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I am not involved with a married man but my friend is.Some people tell her that it will be an emotional torture if she continues seeing him




  1. well if he's willing to cheat on his wife, he'll be willing to cheat on her too.  That would always be in the back of my mind...And Im sorry but if she knows he is married she should not be with him.  I just pray there are no kids involved in that marriage.

    Plus he will never be "hers" she will always be second to his wife. Most likely have to keep the relationship secret, hide, never go out together in public.  He won't be able to come with her to family gatherings such as christmas because he already has a family he must spend those holidays with etc etc.

  2. When you are involved with a married man, usually when you need him or want to see him he is unavailable. You will get the time he can get away from his wife and/or family.  You won't be with him for holidays and important events, he will share them with the woman he is married to.  They when you have given him your time and love he will find someone else.

  3. Because married men only go outside the marriage for s*x and that all shes prob going to get.

  4. If he is lying to his wife, he is lying about everything. He can tell the woman he's cheating with that he loves her but he's lying. He can tell the woman he wants to be with only her but he's lying.  And if he thinks he can still have you, even if you try to move on, he'll do all he can to not let you.  The married man I was with told me he was separated which was only true about half the time, and his wife is still mad with me 8 years later! It's not worth it.  

  5. Because anyone dating a married man has very low morals and most likely low self esteem as well. Why else would they be tampering with something as precious as marriage, if not to try and make them self feel better. Of course anyone with a conscious would beat them self up.

  6. It will be emotional torture for her because he is just using her.  If he seriously wanted to be involved with her, he would divorce his wife first.  Besides, how trustworthy is a man who cheats on his wife?  Eventually he will cheat on her too.   She deserves better than that.  She deserves someone who will devote himself to her completely and not just have her on the side.  She also deserves a man who is faithful.

  7. Well having a bf is complicated enough without him being married. If he is married, she won't be able to show their love openly, they have to do it in secret. The time spent with her will be very much influenced by the demands of his work and his family. She will never be the priority. She will feel guilty because she knows what they are doing is wrong. In the end, she will realize it is not really worth it but it is gonna be too late.

  8. because is she continues seeing him she will likely develop feelings for him and one of 2 things usually happen.  either he will never leave his wife for her even if thats what she wants or he will and then she is involved with a cheater who is likely to do it again to her this time.   in the end she will likely only get hurt and she has nobody to blame but herself.  not to mention how she lives with herself knowing she is the other woman and he is cheating on his wife.  how would she feel if she were the wife being cheated on?

  9. Because 99% of the time he will never leave his wife.  He may promise it, but he's lying!  

  10. Because it's one of the ten commandments...

  11. Well I suppose it's only an emotional torture if she falls in love and begins to have hope that somehow they'll magically be together... if she gets to that point then those folks are right...

    But if she's just some girl who wants s*x without the relationship commitment then she'll be fine. The thing is, most women don't want that and that's why she's been told it's emotional torture...  

  12. Because 9 times out of 10, the man isn't leaving his wife. If she falls for him, then, she may get her heart broken.

  13. She is bound to develop feelings for him, but he is attached somewhere else and so will not be able to give her what she yearns.

    I would say its just punishment for interfering with a married man.

  14. Because you can never fully be together as a couple.   There's always the fact that the other person is married and that no matter how much you want it, until they get divorced, they're not "yours".  Not to mention at the end of the day, they're going back home to their spouse, to probably do the same thing they did with you, with that other person.    

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