
Why do people say the Global Warming debate is over if thousands of scientists disagree with man-made GW?

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If the climate change debate is over, why will 500 scientists argue against the “consensus” at the International Climate Science Coalition conference on March 2-4, 2008?




  1. Oh no, you posted a Heartland link...get ready for the zealots to say it's an oil funded ultra right-wing organization.

  2. This is only a press release, not a list of 500 climate scientists arguing against the consensus.  The number 500 is their hope-for attendance, not the expected number of scientists.

    And even this press release says only 100 people are expected to speak.  That will include scientists (5? 10? 20? of various fields), economists (10? 20?), and policy experts (50? 90?).

    The key point to realize is that just like you wouldn't go to a podiatrist to perform brain surgery on you, you also wouldn't go to a retired chemist to explain atmospheric physics.  Not all scientists are equally knowledgeable in all fields of science.

  3. you could put together a list of 500 "scientists" that deny evolution easily.

    you could even put together a short list of biologists that do.

    but we still know evolution is a scientific fact.

    science has always fought the fight against religion and politics, and in the end - science always wins

  4. It will be very interesting to hear what is said at the conference.  But I think you exaggerate a little.  The organisers of the conference are hoping to get five hundred participants.  We know from other sources that there are circa 100-150 scientists who are skeptical of the IPCC reports.  

    I will be very interested to see the scientific papers that are read at the conference.

  5. Where did the THOUSANDS of your scientists go? You now say you only have a mere 500!  

    Everything in Science that has been proved are called THEORIES!  Scientists are still debating the THEORY of GRAVITY. You don't see things floating off into space because of the debate. Yeah,bring on the 500 so called 'scientists',the FACTS and DATA will make them look like the fools they are!

  6. Because there stupid. You dont clean out the fish bowl the fish die. Same thing with the planet.

  7. First you said thousands.  Then you said 500.  In reality it's 100.

    "Attendance is limited to 500 people. Registration will be closed when that total is reached. Approximately 100 scientists, economists, and policy experts will participate as speakers and panelists."

    There are millions of scientists who accept the man-made global warming theory:

    100 is nothing.  Plus the Heartland Institute is paying them to speak!

    Really you're just proving that there is a consensus with this question.

  8. you can never get everyone to agree with something. the problem is 500 scientists saying its wrong means nothing if they don't put forward some alternative theories or scientific arguments.

    BTW this is only involving 100 "scientists" but 500 "experts".

    also the way they use word scientist is interesting because it is a very open term. i wonder how many of them actually do any research or are in the fields of atmospheric sciences.

  9. The so-called 'scientific consensus' for Kyoto is a shaky one at best.  I don't know how many 'scientists' agree or disagree with AGW and certainly, those named in conjunction with Kyoto are not the only scientists in the world.

    The problem that the AGW 'society' .....or what's left of them....have right now is that of what has been discovered to be bad data.  Global temperature records have been found to be tainted....showing higher than actual temperatures.  The AGW club needs to address this issue openly and fix it (IF they can).  If the data is bad.....then there is no real science.  This is one of those cases.

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