
Why do people say **** the war but then they say i support the troops ?

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i believe that if you want to support the soldiers at war you need to support why they are fighting you don't have to support the government but you do need to support the reasons that they're fighting




  1. for me personally, (I served in the Marine Corps from 96-0), supporting the troops mean that you believe in what they are doing. In the case of war, you can't really separate the man from the mission. The mission is their sole reason for existence while they are there. So how can you say I support what you do, but what you are doing is wrong?

  2. Same reasons people say I love American but I dislike the administration

    ( leadership) running it currently.  america lasts forever, my people, but the a--holes running it change from time to time.  

  3. its easy, they MEAN they dont like the Goverments desicsons of The war but the like and support the Soilders and wish the best for them,meaning they dont want Any soilders dying they Give their support but dont support the war..

    its kind of easy to figure out

  4. because though the troops signed up for the military voluntarily, they aren't the ones that made (or make) the decisions that brought them there, are keeping them there, or decide where and when they go yes, I believe we went to war for the wrong reasons, but I will support the troops, because they're not the ones making the decision to stay there.

  5. Thank you Welker4TD. My wife and I have been saying for so long and people look at us like "what do you mean support the troops and what they do?" You are a glimmer of hope that more people will come to understand. I blow kisses in your general direction. And those that are in disagreement with you and me come here and kiss my Decorated Disabled Vietnam Veteran ***.

  6. I know I will probably get thumbs down for this but that statement and others like it is IGNORANT and personally offensive to me. When I hear people tell me that the compassionate intelligent people who do not agree with this "war" aren't patriotic, or don't support the troops I feel sick. I believe with every fiber of my being that this "war" is a tragedy that was started by rich old mean for young men(and women) to die in. However that is an entirely different argument for another time. I want any of y'all who say that I do not support the troops and I am unpatriotic because I am against the "war" to come and tell me to my face while I am volunteering at VAs in my community, or when I help restore old military graves in a graveyard that suffers frequent vandalism (not from anti-war people but criminals). Come tell me I don't care about troops when I do my free babysitting rounds for the many working wives of deployed soldiers I know, or when I tutor their kids.  

  7. Then I guess I don't support the troops

    Bring them home now

  8. no.... you don't have to support the reason they are fighting, I'll put it this way, if you donated money to soldiers before they went to war would you stop after they enter a war you don't agree with? no because its not the soldiers fault, so yes you can support the troops without agreeing with the war.

  9. Well before I went to war I hated john kerry. I went to war and I realized what he probably went through and have to agree. Why do we send troops to war for 1 person. Well I have mixed believes here but I do realize a lot of people will always support the troops, but do not support the cause or the reason.  

  10. I see what you're saying but honestly when I go to Iraq I know that with or without there support I'm not like them. I don't need their respect cause I'll have no tears or regrets for what I do. Protesters are jackasses.

    I saw a bumper sticker the other day it was great.

    "If you don't support our troops, go stand in front of them."

  11. I`m pretty sure that if my US counterparts knew about the skeptism back home,they`d be stripped of their morale.

    I served as a conscript in my own country`s military for 2 years which I never asked for,and made some friends from your military and saw the harsh life they`ve been always coming through in foreign soil.

    Yes,the Bush administration may have a craze for war and you don`t need to support them,but the personnel that `s actually participating in the war must have all the respect they derserve not depending on the wars they fight but just for the fact they`re contributing to the military,

    One thing that I only like about my military is that since service is mandatory,everyone knows and understand the incredible efforts that the military makes to serve the country.In countries whose military is based on purely volounteering efforts like yours, may raise crazy questions like some people asks,and I find that why militaries should mantain a drafting system.

  12. Not at all.

    I, Ashley B. do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

    That's the oath of enlistment.

    You show me where it says that I agree with the orders, etc. or that I will like those orders, etc.  

    Its doesn't say that because it doesn't matter if I like it or not.  It matters that I do it.  

    So yeah, you can support me but not support the war.  

  13. I agree we need to support them till the war is over than you can critize it all you want how do these people think it makes them feel when they hear things like their warcrinimals for going to Iraq coming from the hiomefront.....the liberals should stop using the double standards and stop double guessing themselves you can't have it both way....

  14. Honestly?

    is this a real question?

    I don't support the war, i think it's awful.

    However, i support all the men and women that whether they like it or not, fight for our country. They're risking their lives to protect and serve us, whether they agree with the reason we're fighting this war or not.

    It's really simple.

    How could you NOT support our troops?

  15. I agree with you for the most part. I am an Army wife and support everything my husband and all other military personnel do. And I do support the war. But there are people who don't support the war but stand behind our military and to me that is very important. Without supporters it would be just like Vietnam and I really don't want that. We already have people where I live that throw rocks at strykers that are returning from Iraq. As long as people are standing behind our troops and want our soldiers to come home safe and pray for them I don't think we should make a big deal out of this.

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