
Why do people say the word "like" all the time?

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What is the origin? where did it come from? I find myself saying it all the time and when I try to stop saying it, I find myself saying it more.

Example: "So, like..... what do you want to do tonight?"




  1. When someone says "like" it

    often means that you want to

    start a conversation or when you

    are thinking of what to say. Almost

    everyone says "like". I do too. It can

    also be a habit.

    I hope I helped!

  2. Mostly just out of habit. My friend does that all the time, gets very annoying. A lot of people also say "um" alot too  between about every other word. So i guess it's kind of like that...

    Also because they hear other people do it then just start picking it up after time.

  3. about 15 yrs ago it replaced the word.."ummm........"

  4. To explaine something or its just a habit that most people have.

  5. I think people (mostly teenagers) just do it out of habit to make their speech seem, like, cooler :-P

    I sometimes get into the habit myself but only at informal events. No way would I say, like, "like." to my superiors or bosses!!!

  6. Valley Girl talk. San Fernando Valley. Moon Unit Zappa.

    "You know" became popular from that, too.

  7. Not sure, but back in elementary school, our teacher charged $.25 every time someone used it incorrectly, which mostly cured me using the word.

  8. ahhh

    i say it too.

    its because we became afraid and embarrsed, as a society, to explain our thoughts to others.

    if someone asks you what you did today, many years back someone might have responded with, "I had a wonderful day, i went to the store, spent time with my family, we even went shopping for new britches."

    now a days, everything is so FAST we just say, "i went with my friends to the like mall."  

    we dont want to explain ourselves.


  9. like what kind of question is that  

  10. I think it started as a way to explain something in detail for example,

    Her car was blue, like, dark blue

    I guess it just started being placed in sentences to replace ummm... for example:

    Her ummm boyfriend was ummm hott now it's her boyfriend was like HOTT!

    haha I don't know why it's used, people here it being said and adapt it into their own speaking style. Personally I think it makes a person sound uneducated. If you really want to stop, then make sure when you are talking, you're really thinking about what you are going to sy before you say it. If you need to collect your thoughts mid sentence, just pause and stop instead of throwing a bunch of "likes" out there....

  11. I don't know, like, sometimes, like, you just don't know exactly what to say. so, uh, sometimes people, like, use, um fillers, like "uh, uhm, so..., and you know" to unconciously uh, you know, give them time to um, think. Like, they need a second or two to, um, to like gather their thoughts, you know? :)

  12. Some people just say it so not to be too forward, some because they want to be more passive.   Some say it because they lack vocabulary and just blurt out words as they go as oppose to thinking of what to say before talking.

    "So... What do you want to do tonight?"  (want to ask the question without hinting you already have an I idea of what you want to do with the other person.... or you are already bored with the present activity)

    "So, like ... What do you want to do tonight?" (trying to sound more cutesy and trying to say you want to do what the other person wants to do --no matter what it is)

    example of total lack of vocabulary-->  with hesitation as they look for more words to describe something.

    "Okay, so it was like so dark outside and I was all like so scared and stuff and like there were goose bumps on my arms like all over ,oh and it was like pour rain like my hair was wet and like dripping and stuff!"

  13. It came from Valley girls.  People say it because they are idiots and it almost gives the impression that there is more content to their speech when in reality it only makes them sound, like, mentally challenged.

  14. we're like nervous and dont know like what to say

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