
Why do people say this?

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i am mixed with white(mom) and black(dad) When ever someone ask my race, i say mixed, but sometimes it offends people. I have had girls actually say "ummmm you're black" That kinda offends me because my mom is white. It reaaaaaallly gets under my skin!!! Why do some people think this way and why is it i have to choose instead of being both like i am!




  1. Make it into a joke...make them laugh about (in a friendly way).

    You: "What am I? I'm WHACK!"

    Person: "You're what?"

    You "WHACK. You know....white and black? Because its either that or BLIGHT. And I don't like to say I'm a BLIGHT."

    I personally am French-Swedish-German-Irish. Fre-wed-man-ish

    Good luck!

  2. I'd just reply, "Human" and walk away while their brains are seizing up with the concept.

  3. It's probably because they only look at the color of your skin. They're thinking... if you're not pale white and have black features, you can't possibly be white. So you must be black. There is no middle for them. They want a label. "Mixed" doesn't sound like a race so they can't use it.

  4. what people are asking you..?  Other then maybe on some paper work NO ONE should be asking you..  I find that offensive..  

    we are very visual people and need to put people in category's.  It makes us more comfortable..  Sorry.. I hope that changes soon..

    When someone is rude enough to ask you, look at them and ask them "why, does it make a difference in what we are doing right now".

    NO one said you had to be polite in a response to a rude quesiton..

  5. when people ask you what your race is don't tell them.

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