
Why do people searching for aliens ?

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why do people searching for aliens.arent we are the aliens to this world.people tries to conqueror everything they see.we are killing this are we humans, a mistake created by mother you think its not too late ...?




  1. Many reasons: Aliens can pose a military threat to us and colonize the Earth or kill us to use its natural resources. To reach the Earth they would have to be far too advanced than us.

    Their technology: If they are indeed as advanced, we could do with some of their technology to solve problems like global warming, air pollution, natural disasters or even diseases.

    Curiosity: To know whether we are alone in this universe of somewhere else too, there's life- a civilization or some life form and to find how it evolved.

    Exploration: If an advanced alien civilization does exist, we could partner with them to explore the universe and find what lies in those billions of light years of outer space. Answer whether this universe is really endless as we believe or is just part of a more bigger system of some sort.

  2. seems they have nothing better to do these days

  3. Magnetic fields freaked them out when they were resting:(

  4. it depends on how you look at it :

    if you are and astornemor or a scientist you could be looking for other types of life form that exsits outside of this world  MAYBE in a DIFFERENT SLOAR SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    maybe the goverment make up this stuff so that they can get extra funding form people all around the globe and the corp circles u seee maybe done by people who are hired by the goverment so that people belive in aliens and fund even more or you could be rite and all of that i rote was a load of bull s***!!!!!!!!!

  5. once upon a dream no i don't want expresso after all what the french did with it was terrible and i'll have nothing to do with killing birds.

  6. To put it simply, it's human nature. We are naturally curious creatures. We want to know everything we can about the world and the universe in general. We devour knowledge voraciously, we crave it. So it is only natural that people would want to know if such a crazy thing as aliens could exist. And imagine how much it would mean to find aliens! There would be so much to learn, so much knowledge to share. It would completely broaden our horizons and we know it. We know that as soon as we find and communicate with aliens, we have presence beyond Earth; the galaxy is open for us to explore in a way never before thought possible.

    Also, I think it bothers some people to believe that humans are the only sentient beings. Think about it. Wouldn;t it be nice to know we're not alone in the universe? Of course, the aliens could turn out to be unfirendly, though if they are anything like us they won't be hostile (not right away).

    One thing I would like to throw in is that if we find aliens, we are just as likely to go to them as they are to come to us. We learn and develop technology pretty fast, and maybe we'll be somebody's aliens one day. Wouldn't that be fun.

    As for the evilness of humans, yeah humans are awful I agree with you, but I don't know about it being a mistake. After all, the belief in a perfect natural world is symbolic but not realistic. The predators kill the prey and animals are egocentric just like humans all the time. It's about surival and gain no matter where you go. The best thing to do is to learn that that's how the world is and that it's O.K. that way. Maybe even appreciate it. (Not that this is an excuse for people to be jerks. It's just that considering it was always about ourselves once, we''ve come a long way morally.)

  7. wow

  8. its just out of curiosity. If you are told that the earth is the only place where intelligent life is (which is true) out of the known universe wouldnt you want to prove it true or wrong

  9. we search for aliens be cause we want to know how life works and if we are the only planet that's inhabited.

  10. because they are curious. aren't you?

  11. Some people want to have s*x with just about anyone or anything. I wonder what an Extra-x*x terrestrial video would sell for on DVD or The Internet? Some things just aren't sacred anymore.

  12. we search for aliens because the unknown is fascinating... we aren't a mistake; god has a plan and it's never too late to right that which is wrong!

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