
Why do people see factual situations such as the international bankers influence on world war 2 as conspiracy?

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Why do we not get taught about this in schools. Why does the bbc not report about bush family ties with adolf hitler?




  1. Because that is what it is - a wacky conspiracy theory that has no basis in reality.  And your idiotic conspiracy theories aren't factual just because you say they are.  Give me a break!

  2. It's really sad that these so-called "Conspiracy Theories" aren't made more public. But the sad truth is, they probably never will be. The media is run by corporations and advertisers, and these people basically run what kind of news is put up.

    In addition, if CNN ever ran a serious report on something about 9/11 being an inside job, the Bush Admin. would cut them down in days. FOX would help by making them out to be terrorists for even suggesting such a theory.

    Fortunately, though, the word is coming out. Top Bush aides are writing these books revealing accounts of faked reports to go to war with Iraq and Iran. There is a growing opinion in the US that people don't believe what happened on 9-11 and/or want a further investigation from an outside source, aka not the government. Someone who would not be affected by bias or coverups.

    It'll all come out so long as we exercise our right to free speech.

  3. I think is not as know is because many people want to hear about D-Day, Iwo Jima, The Philippines, and many more important heroic battles. Also this was revealed towards the end of the war and many people are not in interested in that time.  

  4. it is all in your imagination.

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