
Why do people seem to hate the loner at school?

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It doesn't make sense that people pick on the loner, especially the girls against one girl. Guys seem different, even when a guy is a loner and doesn't say much the guys seem to understand-sorta.




  1. I think we've all picked on that one kid who we should have became friends with.  I'm pretty sure you've had did the same so the answer lies within you.

  2. It always depends on where you live... However, loners are targeted because they DON'T have a friend to stick up for them... People are less likely to pick on a popular kid who has lots of friends willing to stick up for them...

  3. Which group of guys would say to a friend, "Tell us everything, we want details!"  Gals are into relationships much more than guys, so resent it when one won't share, and more: They suspect the loner.

  4. I went to an all boys private high school and the one or two who were the different ones of the moment got picked on. It's a thing people do in general. They find a minority and *poof*, a common enemy is born. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend, which usually is chosen by the most or the strongest, and the little guy is out of luck.

    Kind of like the way religions speak out against the homosexuals, (not all but you know what I mean). It gives everyone else a common bond of how not to be and cohesion to a belief of superiority.

    I hope this helps.


  5. im the loner in school and well no one talks to me lol.

  6. People pick on the "loners" because they really are insecure. They think if they put down the loners then the loners will remain as loners. They are afraid that if there are no loners around then they may become the ones alone and the victim.  

  7. I was the loner in school and I figured it was because the group is full of cowards that are to scared to not pick on him (or her).

    I was bullied by guys and girls until I fought back.  With the girls since I was raised never hit a girl (even when they deserve it) I would humiliate them, the guys I just ended up making them hurt.

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