
Why do people send their kids to private schools?

by Guest63400  |  earlier

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  1. a lot of private schools offer better college opportunities  

  2. better education. better colleges. etc.

    it could also do with putting their children in the same social circle as they're in. for example, the rich put their children in expensive schools and they meet more rich people.  

  3. My parents sent me to a private school because they said they wanted me to have a better education.

  4. I transferred my fourth grader to a private school because I felt she was not learning anything (except foul language) in the public school she was attending.  Most of her classmates were reading at a first or second-grade level, and the teacher's standard social studies assignment was, "Draw a picture of a ship."  At the time, her younger brother was doing fine in his public school (a different one, by the way--schools were K-3, 4-6, etc), so we kept him there.  

  5. Lets say you live in a somewhat bad community, and you don't want your kids in a public school thats somewhat dangerous. You send them to private school.

  6. For some parents, it seems like the best option.

    At the end of public school, I'd already been accelerated (4 grades in 3 years), so was one year younger than my classmates. My teachers wanted me to go to the 'bright brat' high school and take the accelerated program there. I would have been two years younger than most people heading into university.

    My parents didn't want that, but did want me to study with teachers who really cared.

    I wanted to go away to boarding school (far away from my parents).

    Private day school was a good compromise. I left for school at about 7 in the morning (taking the bus to the other side of the city) and got home at about 6:30 in the evening. By the time I finished my homework, my parents and I had minimal time to interact. It put off a lot of fights until summer or the end of high school, which helped me because I have an intense dislike of loud voices / arguments.

    Being in uniforms, it also helped me see that it was the person who mattered, not how much their parents made. (I already knew that, but it helped reinforce it.) The girls of old money families got the same sort of allowances as girls of middle income families -- and for doing similar chores. If they wanted more money, they had to get a job, just like we did. It was only the new money families who gave their kids huge money for nothing -- and raised their expectations about what the world would give them.

  7. i go to a private school because my parents say their is too much violence and gang activity by where i live. also for better education.

  8. better education?

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